Basic Litter Box Training Know-How

Aside from love, food, cat carrier, cat bed and first aid; you may have to provide a litter box for your cat. Statistics shows that most cats are given up for shelter because of elimination problems. So train your young kittens how to use it to prevent elimination problems.

Housebreaking comes easily to cats. Unlike puppies, kittens naturally eliminate in sand or soil. The mother cat usually takes care of the toilet needs of the newborn. Orphaned kittens need to be stimulated by gently stroking their belly and anal area, with an absorbent cotton ball. In substitute for a cotton ball, you can use soft cloth dampened with warm water.

Kittens raised with mother cat which uses the litter box will learn by example. It takes a few weeks for kittens to learn. With that, you have to keep them on their mother’s company. Offer a bigger cat bed to make the kittens and mother cat comfortable. Such kittens do not need further housebreaking.

Just like its cat carrier and cat bed, its litter box should be clean, comfortable, well-ventilated and easy to clean. If a kitten has not used one before here’s how to teach them:

1. Place the box in an area that is not hard to find.

2. Place your cat in the litter box after each meal or long naps.

3. Take its paws and show how to scratch its box.

4. Once it begins to use it and recognize its odor, leave your pet alone. Remember, cats want privacy.

For kittens that are just brought into the house, they should be placed in the box first and allowed to explore their new home. If it jumps off right away during the first time you introduce its litter box; don’t be surprised. It is normal. As time goes by, it will how to use it. You can make an improvised box with deep pan filled with sand and shredded paper. It should be well-maintained. Otherwise, you cat might stop using it.

Here are some other tips about basic litter box training for cats:

*Place the box somewhere your cat is familiar with.

*Choose a quiet, secure and private place to position the litter box.

*Provide the right size of box for your cat.

*Select a type of box that is easy for your cat to enter.

*Use positive reinforcement or reward technique every time your cat uses it.

*Keep it clean. Do the cleaning at least once a week.

*If you have more than one cat, place their boxes far enough from one another.

*Sometimes, you have to scold your cat, if they eliminate outside the litter box. Once this mistake is tolerated. It becomes a habit.

*Avoid placing the boxes near cat dish and cat bed.

Healthy cats keep themselves clean. Cat beds, cat carriers and the litter box should be cleaned at regular, frequent intervals. If for some unknown reasons, the cat refuses to use its box; you may have to consult or ask advice from a veterinarian.

Ella Jasmine Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat carrier and cat beds as well as a host of additional products.

Ella Jasmine Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat carrier and cat beds as well as a host of additional products.

Author Bio: Ella Jasmine Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat carrier and cat beds as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Pets
Keywords: litter box training,litter box,,kittens raised,cat bed

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