Beginners Golf Tips- What\’s So Important to Know!

Begin the Right Way to Avoid Being Wrong

Beginners Golf Tips could touch on many different areas of the golf game for this discussion. This article is going to focus on 4 of the most important basic subjects to help get you started on the right track. We are going to concentrate on the right golf club selection, the basic fundamentals of a correct golf grip, the proper golf ball locating and learning how to drive the golf ball straight.

Selecting the Right Golf Clubs

This is the time to be honest about your desire to learn golf when it comes time to purchasing your beginner golf clubs. First though, if you plan on becoming an occasional golfer, maybe playing once or twice a month, then regard buying used clubs or a less expensive set. Your height will determine the length of your club and also consider if the club feels right. You have two basic choices for the club shaft, steel or graphite. The steel shafts are less expensive and are stronger. You get more control from steel but you need greater swing speed. Shafts made from graphite cost more but provide quicker speed for swings. You should consider having a driver, two woods and your irons for your set of clubs. Your wedges can include a sand wedge and pitching wedge.

Having the Correct Golf Grip

You should weigh taking some lessons from a golf pro. You could skip hours of mental anguish. How you grip the club is where it all begins. Stay with this procedure to get the proper grip on the club. In your stance and while holding the golf club you need to look at your hand position. You should be seeing the first two knuckles on your left hand if you are a right handed golfer. If you cannot do this, once you start your backswing your hands will likely grip the club too strong and the face of the club will open and the result will be your ball slicing off to the right. Gripping the club too tightly is wrong. You want to hold it tight enough so that it will not fly out of your hands on the swing.

How to Drive the Golf Ball Straight

Hitting your shot off the tee so that it travels low without backspin and then adds distance by rolling once it lands is your game changer. Leverage is what keeps the ball traveling straight and far. First, keep your head behind the ball at all times during the shot. It is the hips and legs that furnish the club speed and power and not the muscles in the arms. Next, have your hands lead the club at impact. Make sure to swing through when hitting the ball. Allow your body and arms to follow through with the swing.

Getting the Golf Ball Position Right

Where you position the golf ball will depend on the club and the shot you are making. When using your long irons or fairway woods, you want to position yourself where the golf ball lies slightly left of your center line. Line the golf ball up with your left heel to make a proper shot. When you are using the short irons (numbers 8 and 9), place the ball in the middle of your stance. This allows for the lift you want from these clubs.

These are just some Beginners Golf Tips since there is a lot of learning to the game of golf. You should adopt the attitude that you want to learn as much as you can because by learning you will truly enjoy the great sport of golf.

Frank Schmitt is a writer who specializes in sports activities. You can view his latest website at tips for golf swing, where he provides the latest information and tips about how to improve your golf game, including beginners golf tips and more. In addition you can obtain free golf books that you can download for your files.

Frank Schmitt is a writer who specializes in sports activities. You can view his latest website at where he provides the latest information and tips about how to improve your golf game. In addition you can obtain free golf books that you can download for your files.

Author Bio: Frank Schmitt is a writer who specializes in sports activities. You can view his latest website at tips for golf swing, where he provides the latest information and tips about how to improve your golf game, including beginners golf tips and more. In addition you can obtain free golf books that you can download for your files.

Category: Sports
Keywords: beginners golf tips, correct golf grip, how to drive the golf ball straight

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