Car Maintenance Tips

After oil, the most important fluid required to ensure smooth operation of an automobile is the coolant, also known as antifreeze. This is also a relatively simple task that should be performed often as part of any car maintenace schedule. The coolant is generally found in a white plastic bottle that is affixed to one side of the engine area beneath the car’s hood. It usually has level markings on it to indicate what the minimum and maximum levels are for the car’s requirements. The level also needs to be checked at a time when the engine has not been running for some time and has already cooled down. The coolant should always be added to the coolant reservoir rather than directly into the radiator. In fact, opening a radiator cap when the car is still hot is very dangerous, as coolant will still be boiling and under such pressure that intense heat and steam would instantly be pushed out and possibly cause burns to the hand or face of anyone so foolish as to do this.

As the name suggests, the purpose of coolant is to cool the engine down from overheating. Coolant consists of water that has been mixed with antifreezing chemicals; without this, just plain water would freeze up in the winter and be useless for preventing the engine from melting down. Plain water ideally should not be used in warmer weather either, as it causes rust and corrosion to the radiator and eventually cause it to fail. When the engine is running hot, the coolant is pumped through the system and emits any extra heat through the radiator and out the grill on the front of the car. There are valves controlled by sensors that detect the temperature of the engine, releasing the coolant to flow when the engine reaches a certain heat.In heavily snowy weather, many cars actually break down faster from overheating, because their drivers have neglected to brush snow or ice from the radiator grill on the front of the car, and this acts to trap the heat inside, not permitting it to escape.

Many car models also have instruments on the dashboard in the form of warning lights that notify the driver when the level of coolant is dangerously low, or when the engine has overheated.

Other fluids are also important to check regularly, and if necessary, have them filled or flushed. Aside from gasoline, which is the fuel running the engine, there is also brake fluid, power steering fluid, and transmission fluid.

Another common aspect of car maintenance is tire rotation. This should be done every 5000 miles of travel as determined by the car’s odometer. Many people who are less knowledgeable about car mechanics often mistakenly assume that this has something to do with spinning the wheels around, but infact ‘tire rotation’ refers to the practice of switching the front tires with the rear ones to make sure they wear evenly. When this is neglected, the tires wear in patterns relative to their position on the car. Tires also require a lot of other maintenance, such as inspecting them to make certain they contain enough air inside to make them of use. This can be checked by means of an instrument known as a tire gauge, which gives a reading of the air pressure. If it is below the recommended level, more air can be pumped in. Aside from improving tire performance, this can drastically increase the gas mileage of the car, which means the car can be driven for several more miles before having to refuel if the tires are kept to the correct pressure. Tires firthermore need to be checked for wear, as a badly worn tread means the tire is more likely to blow out or become flat. Tires that have become too worn should be replaced with newer ones. Other important factors involving tires are tire balance and wheel alignment, which are services usually offered by mechanics.

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Author Bio: Conklin Cars and Conklin Fangman are leading car dealers in Kansas and Missouri. Visit their sites for more information on great car deals!

Category: Automotive
Keywords: Auto, Vehicle, Maintinance

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