Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Rosacea With Generic Azelex

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin disease occurs because of the disorder of the blood vessels. It mainly appears on the cheeks, nose and forehead. But in severe cases it may spread to neck, ears, scalp and chest. The affected body parts look red in color which is a characteristic symptom of rosacea. As Rosacea progresses, the reddish tinge can turn into a permanent condition. There can also be a marked visibility of the small blood vessels particularly at the skin surface, stinging or burning skin sensation, eyes turning gritty and reddish, and pus-filled or simple bumps that appear red. Among these severe symptoms are bulbous noses. The maiden rosacea symptoms are constant redness which is often wrongly attributed to cleansing, exercising or temperature changes. Treatment of rosacea includes topical creams such as azelaic acid cream and also can take oral medications. But make sure you start treatment after consulting with your doctor.

Cause of Rosacea Skin Disorder

The exact cause of rosacea skin disorder is not established yet. It is believed that some genetic and environmental factors are responsible for the formation of rosacea. Genetics play an important role in transforming traits from one generation from other and it also inherits disorders like rosacea. Certain environmental factors such as excess of sunlight may cause this skin disorder. There is a mite found in hair follicle known as Demodex folliculorum also contributes in the formation in rosacea. The stomach bacterium helicobacter pylori is also responsible for this skin disorder. Some medications are also known to cause rosacea. Some health conditions like gastrointestinal disorders contribute in rosacea formation. Excess intake of spicy food is also one of the factors that cause rosacea. Many times rosacea mistaken for acne but this is totally different skin disorder. It may occur along with acne. The drug azelaic acid cream used to reduce rosacea is also use in the treatment of acne.

Treatment of Rosacea Skin Disorder

Treatment of rosacea mainly aims for the reduction of the redness of the affected body part. This disorder is not curable but you can take medicines to reduce the rosacea symptoms. The symptoms vary from person to person. The first symptom is the flushing on the face or the neck. It is known that rosacea can cause redness that is similar with the redness caused by the sunburn or acne. The flushing sometimes occurs when increased amounts of blood flow through vessels and makes them expand. After the disorder progress the redness will eventually become more noticeable and persistent. Another symptom of rosacea is it will cause permanent redness or blush to the affected body part. Some patients also experiences small red bumps or pimples.

Treatment of rosacea is available in several forms and your doctor will decide the suitable option for you. It could be topical cream or oral medication. The choice of drug for the treatment of rosacea depends on the severity of the symptoms and the duration of the disorder. The most commonly used topical cream is the azelaic acid cream which is available under the name Generic Azelex. The chemical constituent of this medication is the azelaic acid. This active chemical works to reduce rosacea symptoms and used in the treatment of acne. Generic Azelex (Azelaic Acid Cream) is an anti-bacterial agent with anti-inflammatory properties. It works by suppressing the growth of skin bacteria which causes the acne and rosacea. This medication also keeps the skin pore clean. Azelaic acid cream is also used in the treatment for acne scars. It is effective treatment for acne scar removal.

I am Alex Warren , I would like to share some information about medical issues and treatment Generic Azelex Generic Azelex is the best approach to treat rosacea

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Author Bio: I am Alex Warren , I would like to share some information about medical issues and treatment Generic Azelex Generic Azelex is the best approach to treat rosacea

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Generic Azelex,azelaic acid cream,azelaic acid,topical treatment of acne,treatment of rosacea

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