Choose the Right Chat Up Line For You

Chat up lines generally suck, but that\’s part of their charm. Nobody really expects them to work and as such the playing field has evened out. Approaching a girl in a bar nowadays is all about getting a laugh and if she doesn\’t look like she\’d wished you\’d stayed on the other side of the room, your opening conversational gambit has worked! Now you just need to be your charming natural self. Easy.

Even so, certain lines are going to work better for you than others depending on the type of person you are. This goes equally for the girl you\’re approaching, but of course you\’ve got to make an educated guess as to her reaction to different types of lines and hope it works out. Without a further ado, here are some lines… all of which have been successful in the past. They\’re divided into four categories to help you pick one that you reckon suits you.

The Sweet…

Do you mind me asking are you Swedish? No? Are you sure, you\’re certainly the \’sweetest\’ fish in the sea I\’ve ever seen.

If it started to rain, would you come under my umbrella? No? How about if it was really chucking it down?

Hi, was wondering if you could tell me what the chances of a guy like me, picking up a girl like you are?

Can I carry your books?

Hi, you\’re cute.


Do you always wear your shoes over your socks?

If I followed you home, would you keep me?

Hi, the voices in my head wouldn\’t shut up until I came over and talked to you.

Nice shoes, want a meaningful relationship?

I thought I\’d come over and introduce myself before you caught me staring.

Hey, got any cavities?


See my friend over there? Well he wants to know if you think I\’m sexy!

I know I don\’t look like much now, but I\’m drinking a lot of milk.

How are you? Fine? Too damn right you are!

I\’m in a band.

I\’m really bored. If you entertain me and I\’ll buy you a beer.

You\’re cute! Mind if I use you to impress my pals?

Hey good lookin\’, what\’s cookin\’?

I advise you to surrender otherwise you\’ll force me to use a pick up line. No-one wants that.

Hi, what\’s a girl like you doing in a nice place like this?


You must be from Tennessee! Because you\’re the only ten I see!

Are you alright? It\’s a long fall from heaven.

Do you have a map? I\’m totally lost in your eyes.

Was it love at first sight or should I walk by again. It\’s not a problem.

If beauty were measured in seconds, you\’d be an hour!

I\’ll see you in a bit I have to pick up my new Porsche.

It\’s a good thing I have my library card, because I\’m checking you out!

Are those space pants? They must be because your legs are out of this world.

Your dad must be a brilliant baker, because you have amazing buns!

Excuse me, I have lost my phone number, would you mind if I borrow yours?

And away you go!

Dave Poult loves quirky and unusual gifts, which is ideal considering he\’s a copywriter for novelty gift retailer Find Me A Gift.

Dave Poult loves quirky and unusual gifts, which is ideal considering he\’s a copywriter for novelty gift retailer Find Me A Gift –

Author Bio: Dave Poult loves quirky and unusual gifts, which is ideal considering he\’s a copywriter for novelty gift retailer Find Me A Gift.

Category: Dating
Keywords: dating,relationships,socialising,advice,love

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