Chronic Inflammation Has Been Called the Silent Killer

Chronic inflammation has been called the silent killer.

That’s because over the past decade researchers have found that hidden inflammation might be behind hundreds of diseases, illnesses, and sicknesses.

The theory is that inflammation – which is supposed to be the body’s super power immune response to attack – can sometimes go haywire. In other words, the inflammation sets in: the heat, the white blood cells, the swelling. It does its job by fighting off bacteria and other invaders, but then instead of retreating, it sticks around.

Then, what essentially happens is that the inflammation begins attacking healthy body cells? It is thought that this could lead to all sorts of health problems in the body.

It only really seems to be an issue when the inflammation is chronic. But the problem is that a lot of this chronic inflammation is hidden. Many people have no clue that their body is under attack by itself. They are going about their daily, routine lives not realizing that their health is in jeopardy.

Inflammation alone, as I said, is a defensive response of the body. For example when you get a splinter, it is stuck, and the area becomes red, painful, swollen, and even filled with pus. That’s inflammation trying to rid the body of this foreign object and the germs it is bringing into you. But if the redness and swelling stick around much later after the splinter is removed, that is not good.

It is no secret that inflammation is tied to some health conditions that are obviously due to swelling of the joints, such as arthritis. It is also tied to multiple sclerosis and asthma.

People are saying now that chronic inflammation could be tied to diabetes and even heart disease.

In fact, the American Heart Association advocates that people of a certain age take a simple blood test to gauge their hidden inflammation levels. The American Heart Association says based on certain levels of the CRP in the blood, they can help determine someone’s risk for cardiovascular disease.

The CRP test stands for the C-reactive protein test which measures a level of CRP in the blood that has been tied to inflammation. It is an easy and good indicator that will let people know if they are at risk for heart attack based on their hidden inflammation levels.

The simple blood test can be done in the doctor’s office. It is also a good way to measure your inflammation levels as you age. You can first take the test in your 40s or 50s and then continue to take it regularly to see if your inflammation levels are rising.

A lot of people say they have found relief from inflammation by drinking Nopalea Juice. The theory is that because Nopalea Juice is made from the Prickly Pear Cactus (the cactus is the second main ingredient after water) that the juice also has some anti-inflammatory powers.

The reason is that the Prickly Pear Cactus has long been lauded as not only an anti-oxidant, but also an anti-inflammatory.

Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Nopalea for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including leg pain. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Frank Yaconis has been studying the health benefits of Nopalea Juice for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert, home of the Nopal or Prickly Pear Cactus to learn more. Find out more at:

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Nopalea for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including leg pain. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Advice
Keywords: swollen legs, nopalea, antioxidant rich foods, natural anti inflammatory, antioxidant fruits

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