Desktop Management and Password Management

Desktop management and password management are two tasks that take up a lot of time and resources in any IT environment. That is why a lot of companies are looking for solutions that will help in reducing the time and money that is taken up due to these two activities. The fact is that today no company can run without an efficient IT setup, and that is why desktop management becomes so important. Also, you will always use passwords to safeguard your desktop and other applications as a result password management becomes very important. Here are a few things you should know before you decide to use third party tools for these tasks.

Benefits of using desktop management tools

– More often than not, security issues take place in desktops because of a bad system configuration. Administrators need to have access to patch levels and other data which can be quite difficult when dealing with multiple systems. When using a desktop management tool, it is a lot simpler to have this data and then use it for filling up any security holes that might be present in the system.

– Desktop management allows you to install the upgrades and other applications from a single centralized point. This saves a lot of time.

– You always have the option of excluding any machine that is on a network from a particular install. This allows you to have particular applications on the systems on which they are required.

– You can schedule other events like defragmentation, and disk cleanup any time you want to.

Types of password management

There are various types of password managers in the market. Here are some of the most commonly found ones.

– You will often find that certain web browsers and anti-virus software have a password manager included. You will find that Chrome, Firefox, and Norton 360 have such a feature. Such software are not very comprehensive and should only be used if you are certain about the security offered by them.

– Stand-alone password managers are also available and they are the most popular type of password managers. They allow you to fill form on browsers, and even generate new passwords. They should be used when you do most of your work on a single system.

– Apart from the above mentioned, there are password managers that are embedded with security hardware. These tools are not very common and use the hardware on your device to store the password. Some laptops come with this feature where you cans store data on a particular disk, and it can only be retrieved by someone who has the pass key. Such laptops usually use a password and the fingerprint as the passkey.

– The most popular password managers that are used today fall into the category of web based password managers. They have features similar to those of stand-alone password managers but they also allow customers to access them through the net using a single password. This is best used when you have to manage multiple systems and lots of passwords.

To get more information on Desktop Management & Password Management products and to know more about Migrating to Windows 7, contact the experts at Specops Software.

To get more information on Desktop Management & Password Management products and to know more about Migrating to Windows 7, contact the experts at Specops Software.

Author Bio: To get more information on Desktop Management & Password Management products and to know more about Migrating to Windows 7, contact the experts at Specops Software.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: computers, technology, software, desktop, password, management, desktop management,

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