Determining the Biggest Fish Ever Caught

Most fishing stories told among anglers sooner or later turn into who caught the biggest fish and then to the person who has heard of someone who has caught the biggest fish in the whole world. This is the origin and perpetuation of the biggest fish fishing tale. But the truth of the matter is that someone somewhere has caught the biggest fish.

In order to determine who that was, several things must be clarified and agreed upon by all those who fish. One of the biggest issues that have been agreed to is the methods of achieving a world record fish. It has been determined that a world record sized fish should be caught using some form of tackle. This means nets and spear fishing don’t count. This is an extremely important point.

The largest species of fish live in the ocean and the largest of these is the Whale Shark. The Whale Shark has been known to grow to 27 feet and weigh over 17 tons. But the Whale Shark eats plankton and other microscopic organisms which means they will never be caught on a fishing line. The only way to catch one will be with a net or a big spear gun. In fact, they have been caught in nets but those don’t count as the biggest fish.

Before becoming protected great white sharks were actively fished for using big rods and reels. The world record Great White Shark was caught in 1952 off of Cape Donnington, Australia. It weight 2071 pounds. This is most likely the biggest fish ever caught. There have been Blue Marlins caught that weighed well over 1000 pounds but none over 2000 lbs. There have also been Blue Fin Tuna caught weighing over 2000 pounds. In fact, a Blue Fin was caught in a net that weighed over 1800 lbs, but because it was caught in a net it doesn’t count.

The International Game Fish Association has been charged with keeping all the world records of game fish. Today a Great White Shark is not a game fish so there are many who would debate that the biggest fish ever caught would not be a Great White. This takes the discussion back to the Blue Marlin. In 1984 out of Kona, Hawaii, a Blue Marlin was caught that weighed 1656 lbs and was 17 feet long. This is the largest fish ever caught in Hawaii but there is supposedly another Blue Marlin what was even bigger.

These, however, are only salt water fish. Fresh water fish have their own records. The giant Mekong Catfish lives in the Mekong river delta of Laos and Cambodia. This giant fish has been known to grow up to 13 feet long and weight over 770 pounds. But this fish have two strikes against them. First, they are endangered having been severely over fished, and second, they are vegetarians so they are caught in a net and not tackle. The biggest fresh water fish caught and recorded is most likely a White Sturgeon. It was taken from Idaho’s Snake River in 1956, weighted 360 pounds and was 111 inches long with a girth of 86 inches.

Hopefully, this clarifies the fact that the answer to what is the biggest fish ever caught is, it depends.

The World Fishing Network is a major media resource for fishing and showcases the latest television series, fishing videos and fishing contests as well as just about everything related to the great sport of fishing. Visit and check out a popular fishing video or find out about the network’s latest television shows.

The World Fishing Network is a major media resource for fishing and showcases the latest television series, fishing videos and fishing contests as well as just about everything related to the great sport of fishing.

Author Bio: The World Fishing Network is a major media resource for fishing and showcases the latest television series, fishing videos and fishing contests as well as just about everything related to the great sport of fishing. Visit and check out a popular fishing video or find out about the network’s latest television shows.

Category: Sports
Keywords: Fishing, fishing video, fishing contests, fishing maps, bass fishing, florida fishing

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