Developing Concrete Walkway

The walkway is very essential t the entire family especially when the distance between the house and the entry or gate is somehow lengthy. By reading the article below, be informed of the process of developing a concrete walkway that will serve as your path from your house to the gate and vice versa.

Developing Concrete Walkway

The large area in your front yard does not have to serve as an entire spot all covered up with all sorts of grasses. There should be a dedicated space to serve as garden and lawn and there should be some space spared to serve as your walkway. Not only will developing a walkway provide you a convenient path to walk and travel inside your premises, it will also accord a more elegant look to your house that could also possibly raise its market value. The rest of the article gives you a step-by-step guide in making a concrete walkway.

1. Take time to design your walkway. It will determine how your concrete walkway would look like. Make sure you consider the space or the length of the walkway. It will determine the amount of concrete you would consume.

2. Decide on the height of the concrete walkway. In common, the height of the walkway relies on the height of the grass that surrounds the walkway. Thus, the grass needs to be cut in your desired length before deciding on the height of the walkway. But in general, the suggested height of the walkway should at least be 3 inches minimum.

3. Prepare the stretch of the walkway. Use wooden edging to serve as guide in where the walkway would go. The wooden edging will also serve part of the form when concrete mixture is about to be poured.

4. Brace the wooden edging with wooden brackets. They should hold the edging into their respective places to make sure that the form will not move as the concrete mixture is being poured.

5. Take the dimensions of your walkway. Determine its height, width, and length. Multiply their values and this will help you determine the amount of concrete mixture you need to prepare.

6. Pour the concrete mixture along the stretch of the wooden edging that you laid down earlier. Make sure that the concrete mixture is poured evenly on the entire stretch.

7. Level the concrete walkway. A strait edge will help you determine is the concrete is leveled.

8. Apply finishing touches on the concrete walkway. For smooth finishes, use a towel and a squeegee. Brooms are always perfect tools for applying rough finishes in easy ways.

9. As the concrete mixture hardens, make sure its edges are touched by an edging tool for a rounded-edge finish. This process will also lessen the occurrence of cracks.

By following the steps detailed herewith, it is now very possible to develop a concrete walkway through your own efforts or at least with the help of other family members.

Builders in Brisbane offer different concreting solutions. If out of your busy schedule, you cannot still find time to build your own concrete walkway, these builders will be more than glad to help you.

This article was originally published at

Tom Lynch is a writer, blogger, and business owner. He runs concrete builders services and at the same time provides valuable concrete building information through his blog.

I am Tom Lynch and I manage a blog that provides information, tips, and advices on concrete building and associated home improvement needs. Read my blog at

Author Bio: Tom Lynch is a writer, blogger, and business owner. He runs concrete builders services and at the same time provides valuable concrete building information through his blog.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: concrete walkway, concrete, concrete mixture, wooden edging, builders, Brisbane

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