Exercise – A Guide For Beginners

Starting out anything new is always a bit overwhelming. You are not sure how to go about it. The same can be said about exercising. For beginners who want to get their body into shape the first and foremost thing to do is \’move\’. Lethargy and slowness can be the main causes of weight gain. Ensure you are on the move with simple activities such as, walking or jogging. Activities such as mowing your lawn or stirring a bowl while watching TV will also help.

However, to be serious about exercising you should be mentally prepared and lay out a plan. Be clear about the goals you want to set for yourself and follow a program accordingly. Do not overdo and push yourself too hard initially since this may have adverse effects. Take it slow and exert your body only as much as it can take. It will be only in time that you will be able to do more.

For all beginners, the best and most effective exercise to begin with is walking. Allot thirty minutes every day to take a walk. If you are in better shape, you can start with jogging or running. Try and exercise in intervals. Start walking at your normal pace and then increase your pace for about five to ten minutes. Take a break and walk at normal pace again. Similarly, keep increasing your pace at intervals and with passage of time, increase the duration of higher intensity activity.

Exercises are of many types. Cardio respiratory exercises are those that help to increase the heart rate, leading to a faster loss of calories. Muscular strenghtening exercises are those that tone and strenghten your muscles. Flexibility exercises help to flex your body, making it flexible and agile. Exercise \’circuits\’ mean doing all these different types of exercises one after the other in a cyclic manner. Start your exercises with a warm up, where you slowly set your body in an exercising mode. Slow jogging or taking a quick run can be good warm up exercises. After the warm up, you can start the round of exercises. The exercises can be aerobic related such as, running. Follow this with muscular strengthening exercises such as push ups. Flexibility exercises such as, stretches can be next followed by cooling time which is similar to warm up.

Engaging in sports is another great way for beginners to exercise. Not only is it fun, but also lifts the shadow off the unknown world of exercises for beginners. Sports are a combined activity for aerobic and muscular exercises.

It is also a good idea to hire a personal trainer to help you get into a structured program. For some, it may be easy to start out on their own and follow routine exercises daily with spaced intervals. However, if your aim is to lose weight, you should go to a personal trainer who can create an precise exercise routine specific to your body and weight loss goals.

The most important thing to remember is to not give up. If you plan to take out thirty minutes each day to exercise, then make sure to stick to this commitment. Also, if you for some reason cannot take out thirty minutes one day, it does not mean that you should stop exercising after that. Make a sustained and honest effot to start with the simple exercises such as, walking, jogging, push ups and sporting activities. Once you sincerly start and continue you will enjoy your exercising routine. If you start getting interested then read and research or get a personal trainer to help you.

Dan Clay is a Sydney boot camp expert. To hire a Personal Trainer Mortdale or for a free session at fitness bootcamps, visit Sydney Personal Training.

Dan Clay is a Sydney boot camp expert. To hire a http://bootcampsydney.com.au/personal-trainer-mortdale.html Personal Trainer Mortdale or for a free session at fitness http://bootcampsydney.com.au/ bootcamps, visit http://www.personaltrainersydney.com/ Sydney Personal Training.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is a Sydney boot camp expert. To hire a Personal Trainer Mortdale or for a free session at fitness bootcamps, visit Sydney Personal Training.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer Mortdale

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