Free Flight Simulator – Augment Your Flight Training

There is no doubt that flight training can be expensive. So therefore it is in your best interests to maximize the use of your time in the cockpit. You don\’t want to waste precious time and money repeating various tedious maneuvers over and over again when your time might be better served focusing on learning more advanced aviation skills. This is where a free flight simulator can come in handy.

In between flight training sessions, you can just fire up your free flight simulator on your personal computer at home and spend as much time as you want practicing various maneuvers and mastering various navigation skills. You are not bound to the clock. You don\’t have to worry about expending money when using a free flight simulator. You don\’t have to worry about scheduling your time with a flight instructor. Plus, you don\’t have to worry about canceling or rescheduling flight training sessions due to adverse weather. You can \”always\” fly with a free flight simulator, without restrictions. Not to mention the fact that you can practice flying without the worry of actually crashing the aircraft.

During the winter months, you may find it difficult to find days when the weather is conducive to safe flight, with clear visibility. You could literally go days, weeks, or even months in between flights. But rather than just sitting on the sidelines, remaining grounded, it would actually be a much better use of your time to spend some time training with a free flight simulator. This way you can hone your skills and keep them current in between flights.

You might feel that flying a simulated aircraft on a computer is not the same thing as flying the real thing. Of course that is true in many respects. However, today\’s modern flight simulator software programs have evolved to the point where the flight experience is virtually identical to the experience of flying a real aircraft.

Everything from the visuals, to the handling of the cockpit controls and readout of the flight instruments, to the way the aircraft reacts to external forces such as weather phenomena and aerodynamic pressures, is programmed to mimic real life with a great degree of precision.

As a matter of fact, it should come as no surprise to you that the United States Federal Aviation Administration allows pilots seeking an instrument rating to undergo a certain number of hours worth of training using an approved flight simulator in lieu of actually training in a real aircraft, and apply these hours as credit toward the minimum required in order to obtain your instrument rating.

This goes to show that today\’s modern flight simulator programs have been deemed by the experts as being nearly identical in behavior to the characteristic experience of operating a real aircraft.

The best part is that a free flight simulator is exactly that: free. It doesn\’t cost you anything to use it. You aren\’t paying for fuel. You aren\’t paying for aircraft insurance. You aren\’t paying aircraft rental fees. You don\’t even have to pay for an instructor if you are able to practice flying by yourself with the simulator.

A free flight simulator is indeed an excellent way to augment your actual flight training.

Download your own free flight simulator today.

Download your own free flight simulator at

Author Bio: Download your own free flight simulator today.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: flight simulator,free flight simulator,aviation,flight,travel,computers

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