Get Six Pack Abs: Exercises For a Ripped Midsection

These days, men are more conscious of their bodies than ever, so they do everything they can to get six pack abs and sculpted chests. There are those who prefer the comfort of food and beer over the strain of exercise but their number has been reduced over the years. Now, most men choose to exercise to keep fit to be healthy, to maintain their stability during playing sports, and to attract the ladies.

If you\’re willing to give up some of your beer-drinking and binge-eating time, give these exercises a try and get your abs ripped in time.

To tone your upper abs, you can do long-arm weighted crunches. All you need is a pair of light dumbbells and a clean floor mat and you can begin.

The first step is to lie on your back and bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Now, with the dumbbells in your hands, stretch your hands back above your head. Then, from this position, contract your abs and push your upper body forward while keeping your arms extended and your shoulders still. Move back to the first position, then repeat the movements up to 12 times.

Another effective way to get six pack abs is to do weighted one-sided crunches. It concentrates on your upper abs as well as on your obliques. Like with the long-arm weighted crunches lying on your back with your knees folded and your feet flat and steady on the floor.

This time, you will only have to hold one dumbbell, and with both of your hands. Place your hands with the dumbbell over your right shoulder. Then, pull your upper body up and move it to the left. Upon lowering yourself to that side, move back to your old position. Then, do the same movements with the left side of your upper body. Repeat the exercise for each side at least eight times.

To exercise your entire core, you can do a bent-elbow plank or a rolling push-up. This time, you will have to lie on your stomach and not on your back, and you won\’t need dumbbells to help you. Now, pull your arms inward, folding them in the process. Then, lift your upper body while you\’re raising your legs with your toes on the floor for support.

Contract your abs while doing this and keep your entire back straight. Retain this position for five seconds before resting. Then repeat everything at least 12 times.

If you plan on doing these exercises, it would be better if you also stick to a meal plan that doesn\’t include fast food and soda drinks. Instead of going for a can of cola, drink water. Instead of opening a plastic of junk food for a snack, eat an apple.

Your choice to get your midsection ripped necessitates some sacrifices on your time and your eating habits. When tempted to give up, just think positively and concentrate on your goal to get six pack abs.

Are you looking for more information regarding how to get six pack abs? Visit today!

Are you looking for more information regarding how to get six pack abs? Visit today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding how to get six pack abs? Visit today!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: upper body,six pack,long-arm weighted crunches

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