Get Six Pack Abs For a Healthier, More Confident You

You may want to get six pack abs to match the ideal masculine body personified by your girlfriend\’s favorite male celebrities, but there\’s more to a six-pack than extra points for your looks. Looking at the men on the covers of health magazines, you\’ll realize that they maintain their six packs not just for show but also for maintaining their health.

By training your abdominal muscles, you strengthen your entire upper body thus decreasing your risk of getting injured. Also, your posture will improve not just because of the training your abs gets but also because of the confidence their being toned gives you. Excited to start your journey from having an unsightly, unhealthy paunch to a six-pack? Here are some exercises that will help you get six pack abs for a healthier, more confident you:

For the prone knee tuck, you will have to start in an all-fours position then transition into a push-up position as you place your feet atop a resistance or stability ball. Slowly, push the ball inwards to your chest with your feet while folding your legs by the knees. Then return to push-up position. Repeat for at least 20 times. Remember that you\’ll have to maintain proper posture and not let your body sag while in the exercise\’s push-up position. Otherwise, you\’ll go off-balance and/or the muscles of your abs won\’t be trained well.

You\’ll find the egg roll crunch fun as it makes you do what its name implies– roll like an egg. First, you have to lie on your back then cover your ears with your hands. Pull your knees toward your chest, making it look like you\’re sitting. Now, roll until you reach sitting position. While doing this exercise, be sure your hands won\’t touch, making you fully rely on your torso for movement. Repeat the exercise within 30 seconds to a minute.

For the bicycle exercise, you\’ll have to begin the way you begin the egg roll crunch– with you lying on your back and your knees bent. This time, though, your hands will have to be behind your head and your knees just have to maintain a right-angle position and not drawn toward your chest. After getting into the first position, stretch out your left leg while pulling in your right knee inwards toward your chest and moving your left elbow toward this knee\’s direction.

Your knee and your elbow don\’t need to meet, though, as you have to keep your arm from hovering over your face. Alternate the movement with your right leg stretched, your left knee brought inward and your right elbow rotated towards the left. The movements of this exercise have to be done slowly to achieve your desired effect.

These exercises may seem easy when imagined but when you\’re doing them, you\’ll find them difficult and painful. So if you really want to get six pack abs, you\’ll have to be determined and commit yourself to doing the exercises at least thrice weekly no matter how hard they can get.

Are you looking for more information regarding how to get six pack abs? Visit today!

Are you looking for more information regarding how to get six pack abs? Visit today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding how to get six pack abs? Visit today!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: six pack,right-angle position,knees bent

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