Golfnotation – for the New User

Golfnotation records the location of every golf shot played in any Round of golf, and the contribution that each shot makes to the +/- Par result for the Round. This is achieved by recording Shots as Drives, Approaches, Chips and Putts. The computer calculates 3 lengths of Putts from the information provided, giving 6 Shot Types in total. The Notation for each shot records the contribution to the score for the Round ie.

I – Inspired -3

S – Superb -2

E – Excellent -1

G – Good -1/2

O – Ordinary Par –

W – Weak +1/2

B – Bad +1

P – Penalty +1 (-1 Shot)

PP – Penalty +2 (-2 Shots)

A normal professional scores about 95%, G, O and W, but all of the other shots come into use. For an extreme example on a Par 5, ‘O I’ means an Ordinary Drive, followed by holing the Approach to give an Albatross – 3 Under. Or ‘ES’ depending on the quality of the Drive.

A variety of different notations to achieve a Par, on a Par 3 hole, could be recorded as follows.

Approach O O W W W G G BG

Chip G O W


In all cases you will see that there are 3 Shots played, and the Notation always adds up to Par. You can obtain copies of the Help Booklet and Scorecard from the website ‘’. You will be able to read back the above examples, and possibly think of a few more variations. The computer programme will draw attention to any errors in recording.

To follow the study of the system, please go to the website, ‘www.golfnotation. com’. Then to ‘Lee Westwood DEMO Site’ on the Home Page. This contains a number of Lee’s important rounds over the past few years, and you can see the full Site in operation. Again I would point you to Reports, and particularly to the League Tables and the Handicap Charts. In the League Tables you will see that on the information recorded, Luke Donald’s Putting figures are almost the same as Lee’s. However, on Chipping, Luke is almost a shot a Round less than Lee. Four shots down in a Tournament. Not what the Press usually say!

You will only need the Help Booklet for 2 or 3 Rounds, and then it will become second nature. Enter your score at the end of each hole on a Smartphone or Scorecard. It will only take 10 seconds per hole, and once transferred to the website you will have all your Reports updated for all time.

For the early Rounds, some players take a notebook, or layout of the Course, and enter dots or the stroke positions during the Round. Some remember the Round. Then they enter details at home when they can do it quietly with the Help Booklet.

After a few Rounds you will only need to refer to the Help Booklet on rare occasions as you will remember the Notation for each shot.

If you\’re Looking to improve your golf? Or trying to reduce your handicap? Golfnotation is a unique way of analysing your performance on the golf course.

If you\’re Looking to improve your golf? Or trying to reduce your handicap? Golfnotation is a unique way of analysing your performance on the golf course.

Author Bio: If you\’re Looking to improve your golf? Or trying to reduce your handicap? Golfnotation is a unique way of analysing your performance on the golf course.

Category: Sports
Keywords: golf, improve your game, handicap, statistics analysis

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