Health Benefits Through Medicare

In July 30, 1965, a momentous event happened when the Social Security Act of 1965 was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson as revisions to the existing Social Security legislation. The Act includes two very important provisions: Medicaid and Medicare.

The latter, being the topic of this article, is a health insurance program given by the government of the United States of America to its citizens. The program covers people who are 65 years old and below and even those who are under 65 years old but with physical disabilities or congenital disorders. Medicare enrollment is easy as long as required documents are provided.

In general, people who are 65 years old and above are entitled for the health insurance program given that they have been residents of the country for five years or more. People under 65 years old but with disabilities and disorders can be worthy to the program as long as they show their Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. SSDI is a government-funded program, which provides additional income to those who are restricted to work because of their physical disability. Medicare enrollment is also open to people who have serious medical conditions such as kidney failure and cancer.

There are different parts of Medicare where one can enroll in. Medicare Part A provides inpatient care, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care services, home health care services, hospital fees, some minor tests, and food. Most people already paid their Medicare taxes when they were still working. Medicare Part B, on the other hand, gives help to patients who necessarily need the doctors\’ services, outpatient care, and home health service. In some cases, it also covers preventive services for serious sicknesses. Part B also covers the tests and services like pneumonia and influenza vaccinations, blood transfusion, kidney dialysis, organ transplantation, chemotherapy. Part B also provides equipment for seriously-ill or impaired people by giving canes, strollers, wheelchairs, and prosthetic equipment such as prosthetic limbs, artificial breast and even eyeglasses after eye surgery. Medicare enrollment is also possible for Part C and Part D. Basically, Part C is also called the Medical Advantage Plan and can be received as part of one\’s membership in Medicare. The advantage plan provides help for the services needed in both Part A and B like the tests, home health services and also other wellness program for vision, dental and hearing. Finally, Part D is another plan in Medicare that offers plan for prescription drug. This part, also known as Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage gives the patient help in getting prescribed drugs at a lower price.

These are the benefits one can get if he or she decides to enroll in Medicare. Application for Medicare is available in the nearest health center in your area or through online. To apply, one has to be at least 64 years old and 8 months old, do not have any Medicare coverage, and live in the United States or one of its territories. Health is wealth, so apply now and receive health benefits.

If you are looking for the best enrolling in medicare and medicare health insurance, visit our site for more tips and information. Contact us for free medicare advice.

If you are looking for the best enrolling in medicare and medicare health insurance, visit our site for more tips and information. Contact us for free medicare advice.

Author Bio: If you are looking for the best enrolling in medicare and medicare health insurance, visit our site for more tips and information. Contact us for free medicare advice.

Category: Finances
Keywords: medicare enrollment,medicare part,health insurance

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