Health is Wealth

\”Health is wealth,\” as the popular adage says. And to help people maintain their most treasured wealth, the government of the United States of America created the Social Security Act of 1965 to give benefits and help the American citizens. The Act includes the health insurance program of the government known as Medicare. Medicare provides health insurance and health benefits to the elderly and other people with ailments, disorder or disability.

People who are 65 years old and above can avail of the services Medicare provides. These elderly people are subject to hospital services, hospital tests, inpatient and outpatient care, home health service, skilled nursing facility, hospice care, medical supplies, preventive services, prosthetic equipment benefits. However, people who are not 65 years old but have physical disability and congenital disorders are eligible to accept Medicare services.

Medicare has different parts: Part A, Part B and Part C and Part D. Part A, also known as Health Insurance, covers inpatient cares, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care and other health services. Part B, on the other hand, provides outpatient cares, preventive services, medical needs, prosthetic equipment and doctors\’ services. Part D or Medicare Prescription Drug and enables one to get prescribed drugs at a lower cost. Lastly, there are also Medicare advantage plans available for the eligible citizens. Medicare Advantage Plans also known as Part C covers everything that Part A and Part B provides. They also give extra services on hearing, dental, vision and other wellness programs.

The Original Medicare just includes Part A and Part B. In Original Medicare, Part A and Part B are provided by Medicare itself. The person who applied for any part has the right to choose his or her doctor, hospital and other health service providers available.

The Medicare Advantage Plan, however, includes both Part A and Part B. It is usually offered by private insurance companies approved by Medicare. In Medicare advantage plans, one has to follow the plan doctor/s, hospitals and Medicare providers. This is much more convenient for the patient unless he likes to choose a certain doctor who he is acquainted with. However, doing this will make the person pay for the costs of the bills. So, it is seriously advisable that the person who applies in Part C takes whatever the plan provides. Anyway, the Medicare providers that they offer are professionals and good. Also, in Medicare advantage plans, prescription drug coverage is also offered.

Medicare pays a fixed amount monthly to the companies providing Medicare Advantage Plans. These companies follow the rules that Medicare provide. However, the companies have different rules on how the person gets the services. Sometimes, they also have out-of-the-pocket costs especially when the patient needs more extensive health care or medical equipment that is not included in the paid plan.

Medicare has been taking care of the wealth of the people since 1965. With these advantage plans, it will be easy for each sick individual to recover from their ailment and be better again.

If you are looking for the best medicare advantage plan and medicare benefits, visit our site for more tips and information. Contact us for free medicare advice.

If you are looking for the best medicare advantage plan and medicare benefits, visit our site for more tips and information. Contact us for free medicare advice.

Author Bio: If you are looking for the best medicare advantage plan and medicare benefits, visit our site for more tips and information. Contact us for free medicare advice.

Category: Finances
Keywords: medicare advantage,medicare advantage plans,advantage plans

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