Hoe Does Email Marketing Work?

If you are new to the task of marketing a website then you can be forgiven for not knowing the ins and outs of email marketing. For the uninitiated, email marketing is the practice of promoting your products and services by means of a common email message.

Email marketing is comparable to direct mail marketing, as both involve the same marketing premise. Marketing emails can look very similar to direct email, however this form of advertising enables the recipient to engage and act on the information given in that email.

These marketing messages are sent in bulk to a list of recipients, exactly in the same way that a normal email is sent. The marketer or company in question may send their email out to hundreds or even thousands of recipients at any one time. This is done using specialist email marketing software which can be bought for relatively little money. In some cases you may find software which is free, although such software may be limited in terms of functionality.

One of the main advantages of email marketing over traditional direct mail is that your marketing efforts are trackable. The software that you are using will allow you to see how many people have actually opened your email and then how they have interacted with it. You will then be able to use the data produced by the software to tailor your future emails so that they will be more appealing to your list of customers. Not only this, but you will even be able to subdivide your mailing list into separate demographics and target those recipients individually. For example, you may notice that a certain section of your mailing list never opens your emails. This may be because they don\’t have as much money to spend as the rest of your recipients. In order to test this you could send a separate email to these email addresses offering a specialist discount just for them. Your software will then tell you whether they have opened these emails, giving you a valuable insight into what motivates your customers.

The ubiquity of email marketing software has inevitably lead to a problem with spam emails flooding into people\’s inboxes. It\’s for these reasons that a number of rules and regulations have been introduced to combat this influx of junk mail. It is important that you don\’t send out emails to anyone without them having signed up to your mailing in the first place. Similarly, on every email that you send there must be a clear option for your customers to unsubscribe from the mailing list.

If all this seems a little daunting then help is at hand. A simple internet search will bring up a list of specialist email marketing companies who will be able to undertake the management of your campaign. With their skills and experience they will be able to undertake everything from the design and copywriting process through to the stage where the success or otherwise of your campaign is tracked.

Trevor Richards writes for Extravision (www.extravision.com), a leading UK email marketing company.

Trevor Richards writes for Extravision (http://www.extravision.com), a leading UK email marketing company.

Author Bio: Trevor Richards writes for Extravision (www.extravision.com), a leading UK email marketing company.

Category: Advice
Keywords: email marketing, marketing, promotion, email, internet, computer, technology, advertising

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