How to Know If Your Baby Needs Glasses
As your baby grows and develops, you’re going to notice all sorts of different changes taking place. Within the first few years of life, they will learn to crawl, walk and communicate with everyone around them. During those first few years, some pieces of information may be difficult to pick up, as he or she has no way to relay what is happening. You will always know if your child is in pain, but problems with vision may go unnoticed if you don’t pay attention to certain signs.
No one wants to think of their baby or toddler needing eye glasses. If they do, it’s best to identify the problem early in case medical treatment is necessary. As the weeks and months roll along, you may notice signs such as the bay squinting a lot, crossing their eyes or tearing up when there is really no need to do so. In the early months, they will start tracking items they see with their eyes and reacting when they recognize your face. If you see signs that they might not be seeing things perfectly clearly, don’t hesitate to call your pediatrician to look into it a little more closely.
Once you get your child to see an ophthalmologist, you will find out if corrective eyeglasses are necessary or not. Even though your child won’t be able to convey any real information to the doctor, the technology that is available should be able to help pinpoint if glasses are required. A standard eye exam for your baby or toddler includes a thorough assessment of the alignment of the eyes and how the pupils are functioning. Sometimes, if the eyes are not moving in unison, it may signify a problem with the optic nerve that could require eye glasses. During the examination, the pupils are dilated and a device called a retinoscope is used to determine if the child is farsighted, nearsighted or has astigmatism.
Once this examination is completed, the doctor will have a clear picture of the nature of the problem and will be able to prescribe eye glasses to correct it. If you go through all of the motions and it turns out that your baby needs glasses, it isn’t anything to be upset about. Advances in eye care technology like more durable frames and shatter-resistant lenses have made wearing corrective lenses easier for children.
As your baby grows, there should be regular eye exams, so you can stay on top of their vision and get new prescriptions for their corrective lenses when necessary. The need for glasses won’t negatively affect the quality of his or her life in any way. Kids with eye glasses still play sports and can be involved in the same activities as all other kids. Wearing glasses will just become a part of everyday life and since the glasses were present right from the beginning, he or she will never see it as a negative thing. When your child has demonstrated enough responsibility, he or she may be ready for soft contact lenses.
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Keywords: contact lenses, contacts, glasses, eyeglasses, vision, aging, health, lifestyle, internet, shopping