How to Select the Best Patent Attorney?

Los Angeles, usually referred as the creative city in some quarters is living up to its name. It is the most populous city in California and the second most populous in America, making it one of the most technologically savvy cities in the world. With so many technological inventions coming up in Los Angeles, the demand to protect these intellectual properties has drastically increased in the last few years.

This has raised the risks of infringement of other people’s intellectual property rights and as a result, the city has experienced an upsurge of patent attorneys. There are so many law firms in California, all offering the same services, ensuring that their clients’ intellectual property is protected from infringement.

Just by the fact that there are many lawyers in Los Angeles does not necessarily imply that they are all qualified and proficient. This is why you need to be careful while searching and engaging the services of a patent attorney in Los Angeles. It is advisable that you do your search well, failure to which, you may end up paying a lot of money to an incompetent patent lawyer. Below are some precautionary measures you need to take before hiring a patent attorney in Los Angeles.

Research the Law Firms:

The numerous number of patent attorneys putting up shop in Los Angeles are not only as a result of the high demand from the technologically savvy population and inventors, but also as a result of the perception that law is still the coolest course around to pursue in the University. These lawyers are admitted to the bar and since they find the deals in private practice more lucrative, they establish their own entities. Anyway, we all want to be our own bosses. You can easily search for prominent law firms in the city by using the lawyers’ directory. Be as thorough as possible in reviewing these profiles because some of them sound so posh on paper, but in disasters in the court rooms.

Review the Patent Attorney’s Success:

Just because a certain patent attorney works for a certain prominent law firm in Los Angeles doesn’t necessarily mean that the chap is competent enough to represent your case. You need to review the personal qualifications, the technical or science he/she pursued in college, the grades attained, plus any other previous cases he has successfully defended and won. You can acquire this information by interviewing the potential patent lawyer. Some more information about previous success like the number of patent the attorney has authored, the number of the lawyer’s patents that have been challenged, the financial benefits he might have accrued for the previous clients in past cases and the competence in the line of the industry.

The Attorney’s Charges:

Los Angeles is not a cheap city and so are the patent attorneys. However, you have to see to it that that you find one in the city who does not only promises quality, but also delivers, and most importantly, at competitive rates. Patent cases are very costly and that is a fact. But you can negotiate the lawyer’s charges after reviewing the prevailing market prices. This does not mean that you should opt for the cheap options available as that may turn out disastrous.

Constant feedback:

A competent patent attorney must be willing to share the fine details of a case or process with the clients. Although Los Angeles is a huge city, you need to hire a patent lawyer who is as closely situated to your office as possible. This will ensure that you can meet up and go through some details together about the case. Other than constant briefing meetings, other forms of correspondence like emails and phone calls are important. Failure to do this may make situations appear worse and stagnant than they really are.


A proficient patent attorney needs to be always informed on new changes on patent law and also his/her area of specialization. In a city with so many patent attorneys as Los Angles, these strategies will go a long way in ensuring that whoever you hire to represent you in a patent case, will undoubtedly deliver.

The Patent Attorney has an in-depth involvement with many inventors who deal with technical development of products so that they can gain an understanding of what needs to be protected through patents.
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Patent law is a unique niche in the field of law that comprises not only of law, but of science as well.
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Author Bio: The Patent Attorney has an in-depth involvement with many inventors who deal with technical development of products so that they can gain an understanding of what needs to be protected through patents.
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Category: Legal
Keywords: Patent Attorney Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills Patent Attorney, Beverly Hills Patent Lawyer

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