Integrating Local Search in Orange County California to Attract New Customers

Integrating local search in Orange County California is a great way to attract new customers via the Internet. These directories are comparable to business phone books, but offer additional features that can\’t be achieved in print.

Using local search in Orange County California is a relatively simple method that can drive targeted traffic to your place of business. The submission process isn\’t difficult, but can be labor-intensive because there are numerous directories where information can be published.

In addition to uploading information to major listing directories like Google Places and Yahoo Local, companies need to publish to niche directories. A few of the most popular niches include Orange County Creative Directory, Orange County Resource Guide, Easy O.C., and Made in O.C.

The purpose of publishing to a multitude of directories is getting business information listed in search engines and obtaining backlinks to the business website. Search providers rank online content using a variety of factors, but one of the most significant is the quantity and quality of sites linking back to the website. Websites that have a large number of inbound links are perceived as being well-liked and well-established.

Local search providers allow registered Orange County business owners to publish company information, hours of operation, and website address. This information is used to provide visitors with maps and driving directions that can be downloaded to mobile phones and in-car GPS systems.

O.C. business proprietors can also upload product photos, catalogs, and special promotions such as sales flyers and discount coupons. This can be very advantageous to Orange County restaurants, retailers, and companies that provide B2B services.

An additional benefit of publishing to local search directories is most permit consumers to provide reviews and testimonials. This information can be invaluable when consumers provide positive feedback because unsolicited testimonials aid in boosting consumer confidence and trust.

On the other hand, negative reviews can be harmful; especially if the information isn\’t truthful. It is imperative for companies to establish a reputation management system to track what consumers say via online directories.

A few good resources for reputation management include:,, and These service providers offer a mix of tools to help companies track consumer reviews, mentions, and ratings and provide reports that show exactly where information is published.

Before integrating local search in Orange County it is vital to develop a strategic marketing plan. It can be very beneficial to work with an online media marketing consultant to determine the best approaches. Companies that prefer to manage this project on their own should begin by developing a list of both major and niche local listing directories and review the terms of service and publishing processes for each place they intend to publish.

Everything that is presented through these directories needs to be optimized for search engines. This includes content, photos, product catalogs, and special promotions. Once information is published it is critical to review for accuracy. Additionally, listings should be checked weekly to ensure data hasn\’t been altered, removed, or hi-jacked through redirection.

Hi-jacked listings are very detrimental and cost Orange County proprietors money and time. Essentially, hackers steal listings and redirect to another website. While hi-jacking doesn\’t happen as often as it used to, it is financially damaging when it does. It\’s always better to be safe than sorry, so don\’t overlook taking time to check listings on a regular basis.

Perhaps the biggest challenge of integrating local search in Orange County California is finding time to locate directories, publish information, monitor results, and check listings each week. A solution for this problem is to hand over the project to an online marketing agency that is familiar with this region. This frees up time that can be used to focus on operating the business.

Learn how to fully capitalize on local search in Orange County California from Online Marketing DNA. We are a full service marketing agency located in O.C. that offers customized marketing packages, business coaching, and marketing consultations. Get the inside scoop at

Learn how to fully capitalize on local search in Orange County California from Online Marketing DNA. We are a full service marketing agency located in O.C. that offers customized marketing packages, business coaching, and marketing consultations. Get the inside scoop at

Author Bio: Learn how to fully capitalize on local search in Orange County California from Online Marketing DNA. We are a full service marketing agency located in O.C. that offers customized marketing packages, business coaching, and marketing consultations. Get the inside scoop at

Category: Marketing
Keywords: local search orange county california,local listings,online media marketing consultant,local search

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