Interval Training: Most Effective Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

To lose belly fat is not about distance to run or frequency of exercise, it is more on intensity and the cycle of intensity. Research and studies have found out that interval training, which is alternating from low to high intensity workout is a potential way in burning belly fat. A high-intensity workout can burn actual fats in your body and not just calories consumed in a day. At this level is where your own natural growth hormone is stimulated. It does not only boost metabolism but it also builds muscles and burns body fats all at the same time.

What is even more amazing is that your body continues to burn more calories even hours after you have had your workout. Furthermore, you actually burn stomach fats faster even if you work out less.

A 30-minute to 45-minute cardio workout each day is great but if it is slow and at the same time low-intensity, you are not burning any fat at all. It is only perspiration. They assume that doing long cardio exercises is effective. It is a matter of quality workout not quantity. Long cardio workout everyday will lead to lower metabolism and loss of mass. You have to work out at an optimum-intensity level and alternating it with a moderate-intensity before getting back to a higher level again. The cycle must keep on going until the cooling period. It is not possible to do an hour of non-stop high-intensity exercise. Our body system is not built that way, it needs a break to recover and stabilize your breathing before going on a high-intensity level again and again. This is supposed to be how our system should work, and it is in the interval training like this that is needed to lose belly fat faster and the right way.

It is also recommended to put variation to your cardio workout so you do not get bored with the usual day to day routine. Doing the same kind of cardio everyday and at the same pace will put you on a plateau. Your weight will not decrease because you are not burning fat anymore. Your usual kind of exercise become less effective this time. It happens when the body becomes accustomed with the same kind of exercise day in and out. Your weight will start to decrease again as soon as you make variation in your exercise routine.

Some Tips to Consider:

Do not jump into interval training at once. Train for 3 months for at least 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise in a steady pace.

Advance cardio training comes next for another month to build endurance for interval training. Start by doing slow and low-intensity cardio like walking or running in a steady pace for 5-10 minutes

Over the next few months, gradually work it up from 30-45 minutes. Your endurance is built by then and you are now preparing burning more in your interval training.

Track your progress by keeping records of your weight, the type of cardio exercises you have adapted and the time and frequency in a week, in a month. How to lose belly fat the faster way comes next. You can now adapt a fitness routine that necessitates enough time for warm up going to slow and low-intensity level to faster and high intensity, then going back to low-intensity again while the cycle continues until the set time ends (an hour or two a day is enough). It is important to cool down in every exercise routine. You can alternate your routine with body building so you have variation.

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Are you looking for more information regarding how lose belly fat? Visit today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding how lose belly fat? Visit today!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: cardio workout,interval training,cardio exercises

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