Menopause and Your Relationship

Most women will experience menopause between the age of 45 and 55. This is when the female body changes and no longer needs to support or maintain the reproductive system. The body will shut this system down and this is different for all women. Some women will experience this in a very gradual ways and other will go through menopause much faster.

There are many symptoms that come along with menopause and it can do havoc on your relationship, if you let it. You will most likely experience hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, loss of libido, appetite changes, depression, mood swings, and even weight gain. Doctors have not really found a good way to help women deal with this, but there are ways to keep these symptoms to a minimum.

Will Menopause Destroy your Relationship?

Menopause does not have to destroy or even harm your relationship if you are prepared ahead of time. However, these symptoms can have an impact on the relationship you have with your spouse and with anybody else you care about. The problem is one minute you may feel great and the next you are upset about something and you don\’t even know why.

There is no such thing as a menopause cure and your significant other will have to go through this change with you. They should be understanding of what you are going through, but the mood swings can be very difficult for some to deal with. You may not feel like yourself and this will be difficult for your spouse to handle.

On top of all this you will probably go through a period where you don\’t feel very desirable. This along with the potential of vaginal dryness and a lack of sexual libido can cause stress in a relationship. This is a normal part of menopause, but it is not always easy for a significant other to deal with. This can certain threaten the quality of your sexual relationship.

The good news is there are ways to deal with the symptoms of menopause and keep menopause from destroying your relationship. It all starts with a commitment on your part to have a plan. With a plan you can face menopause head on and find ways to keep the symptoms you will experience at the very minimum while your body changes.

Sometimes attending therapy sessions with your partner can help them to understand what you are going through and can really help your relationship. Another way to make sure you and your partner are communicating about what is going on is to write down how you are feeling. This works well for couples that find it difficult to communicate.

Remember, getting through menopause is not something that should fall on your shoulders only. You need the support of your partner and those you love. By finding a way to communicate how you are feeling you can find the support you need to get through this change.

Having a Plan for Menopause and your Relationship

If you want to make sure menopause does not ruin your relationship you should talk about it before it happens. You should also have a plan to make some changes in your lifestyle and diet to help keep the symptoms to a minimum. There are some great herbal remedies that can help with many of the symptoms and with the right diet and exercise you can keep the hot flashes and depression to a minimum.

Exercise is probably the most important thing when going through menopause because it will relieve stress, help you avoid weight gain, help you feel better, and it will keep you active. Those that exercise are less likely to slip into depression, have mood swings, or experience feelings of low self-esteem.

Another part of going through menopause is making some changes to your diet. You will no longer need to eat quite as much with your reproductive system shutting down and you need to make sure you get the right nutrition out of each meal and each snack. The best type of diet will include many natural foods and very little sugar.

Taking the time to put together a full plan for menopause can help you to get through this change without it taking over your life. It does not have to cause harm to your relationship if you and your partner are prepared for the changes you are about to go through. Do your research and find out the best herbal remedies and other changes you can make to get through menopause without destroying your relationship.

Find out about theEarly Menopause Symptoms by reading the Menopause Control EBook Review here

If you are ready to take control back, then it is time for you to find out about the Menopause Control EBook by going to this website:

Author Bio: Find out about theEarly Menopause Symptoms by reading the Menopause Control EBook Review here

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: menopause and your relationship, menopause symptoms, symptoms of menopause

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