Miracles of Your Mind

With science man has explained many phenomenon which were considered to be far beyond grasp. Man has uncovered many mysteries and overcome a variety of obstacles, but ironically there remains one aspect of life which we do not really know about: ourselves.

We seldom stop to think about what really drives us to make the decisions we do, even when it comes to day-to-day activities. Naturally, without real and tangible proof a definitive answer still hasn’t been found, but there are a few people who have speculated and tried to find an answer. One of these people is Joseph Murphy, and he wrote down his explanations in his book titled “The Miracles of your Mind”.

While Murphy does indeed explain why we behave the way we do, the main focus of his book is not really that. He believes that if we come to truly know ourselves, to understand why we do what we do and how we can gain control of ourselves we will be lead to a more peaceful and successful life on all fronts, including health, wealth, as well as mental and spiritual harmony.

Joseph Murphy believes that as humans, we are made from the conscious and the subconscious mind. To sum up his belief in a nutshell, our conscious mind, the one which gives us the power to assess, comprehend and choose, has been dulled for many reasons, and as a result most people are left to go through life using their subconscious.

Contrary to the conscious mind, the subconscious does not really have the freedom of choice; it only does what it’s instructed to. As you can imagine already, Joseph Murphy’s goal is to allow us to tap into the power of both the conscious as well as the subconscious mind and have them work in harmony.

Of course, things are not as simple as they appear as Murphy spends many paragraphs explaining in great detail how he believes the conscious as well as the subconscious minds work.The best part is that his explanations are often supported by common everyday situations to which most can relate to, regardless of their political views or religious beliefs.

As a result, you will be that much closer to a state of complete awareness which in turn will make your life easier. How? Well, by being more aware of not only what is going on around you but also of who you are and what role you play in the current situation you will be able to clearly see which decisions should be made.

In turn, this will allow you to make better progress in your career as well as maintain more harmonious and peaceful relationships, whether they simply be friendly or romantic.

Luckily, Joseph Murphy is not one of those Gurus who simply gives vague instructions and general sayings. The book comes with a variety of exercises, all designed to help you tap into the miracle mind power which he claims exists in every one of us. He claims that his book, “The Miracles of your Mind” is a source of knowledge that can be used to change one’s life forever, if the instructions are followed, naturally.

Miracle Mind Method


Author Bio: Miracle Mind Method

Category: Self Help
Keywords: mind power miracles, miracles of your mind, the miracle mind power

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