Pet Cats – Ways To Avoid Sleep Deprivation

Techniques on How to Prevent Sleep Deprivation in Cats

Like human beings, there are times that cats cannot sleep and they experienced sleep-related problems. If you are constantly awake during wee hours of the night by the meowing, wanting or playing of cats, then your cats have sleep deprivation problems.

By nature, adult cats spend about 65% of their time sleeping or approximately 16 hours of sleep per day, but only 15% of it are deep sleep. However, majority of the 65% sleep that adult cats spend are mostly light sleep. In contrast, kittens have alternate deep sleep and full awake cycles and they divide their time equally between the two cycles. Cats need to sleep to conserve their energy, to repair damaged tissues, to recharge neurotransmitter supplies and to form memories.

Even though cats are nocturnal by nature, there are times that they are restless and unable to sleep in their usual sleeping schedules. If your cats experienced these problems, then bring them to the veterinarian immediately to rule out sleeping-related disorders and medical-related problems as well.

If your cat has no medical-related problems and yet she cannot sleep well, then probably she needs attention and comfortable place to sleep. If your cat is used to sleeping in the morning, you can train her to sleep at night.

To prevent your pet from disturbing you while you are sleeping, you can try the tips below:

You can schedule several sessions of interactive play in the evening like mice toys, soft balls, ping-pong balls and other toys which catch their attention and urge them to play.

Be sure to give your cats one full meal before bedtime because they tend to get to sleep when full. You can also buy timed feeder that automatically dispense food once or twice during nighttime. By doing so, your pets will not bother to wake you up to ask for food, but they will wait by the feeder to dispense. However, be sure not to over feed your cats to prevent them from getting obese.

You can schedule several enrichment play activities during daytime so they will sleep at night.

If your cat loves to socialize with other cats, you can add another pet cat as her companion. By doing so, your cat can have a play companion and they will play with each other most of the time and leave you alone during nighttime. Playing for several minutes during the night is enough to wear them out and feel tired to lull them to sleep later on.

You can also give them a nice, comfortable and cozy bed where she can rest and relax. Be sure to place a comfortable blanket where she for added comfort. Once she finds out how comfortable her bed is, she will automatically sleep into it during daytime and nighttime. Be sure to place the bed in an area where she can have privacy.

Try the suggestions and tips mentioned beforehand to help you reprogram the sleeping schedule of your cats.

Ella Jasmine Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat bed and cat carrier as well as a host of additional products.

Ella Jasmine Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat bed and cat carrier as well as a host of additional products.

Author Bio: Ella Jasmine Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat bed and cat carrier as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Pets
Keywords: pets,cats,types of cats,animals

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