Posting Immigration Bail Bonds

If the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) arrest an immigrant, he is eligible for release if he can post a bond known as immigration bail bonds. The INS determines the amount of the bond to be set. It is the promise that the arrested immigrant will appear in all the proceedings of the INS or the court on the day of his hearing. The posting of Immigration bail bonds is different from the posting of a typical bail bond.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service has the sole discretion to determine whether an immigrant merits an immigration bail bond. Therefore, to get an immigration bail bond, it is necessary to determine whether the alien is eligible for this type of bond. The Immigration and Naturalization Service will decide whether the arrested immigrant will appear in all proceedings of the INS or the courts, until his case is satisfactorily resolved. If it seems that the arrested immigrant will not appear in the scheduled hearings, the INS will refuse to grant bond. The Immigration and Naturalization Service will also decide whether an immigrant is not a danger to the public. If he is a danger to the public, the INS will refuse to grant bail.

To determine this, you have to check out the details with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The INS observes many strict formalities in their legal actions. It is necessary to know the amount that the Immigration and Naturalization Service is asking for the bond. For a low bond, you may post this in cash. When the INS accepts the bond, they will immediately release them from custody. Thereafter, an immigrant is a free man until his case is resolved. After arresting the immigrant, the INS will tell how much bond they require to release the detained person. This comes about during the inquest.

The conditions are carefully noted. If the person meets the conditions, he is entitled to the return of the cash bond after he posted it. This happens when the person has fulfilled all his legal obligations under the bond. If the arrested immigrant cannot post an immigration bail bond, he has the option of retaining the services of an immigration bail bondsman. Immigration bondsmen work for insurance companies that issue immigration bail bonds. There is a commission charged by the insurance company for these types of bonds. Another person signs this bond and not the arrested immigrant. The bond is in behalf of the arrested immigrant. The insurance company may ask for collateral in addition to the usual fees charged.

Some jurisdictions require that the agency issuing the immigration bail bonds have a separate casualty license in addition to a regular bond license. The federal government licenses all agencies issuing immigration bail bonds. The license of this agency by the federal government must be checked out carefully. The Insurance Commissioner of your state can certify whether the federal government has licensed the agency or not.

Bonding is a business of chance. When issuing immigration bail bonds, the insurance company is betting that the arrested immigrant will fulfill all his obligations in the bond. However, if the arrested immigrant jumps bail, so to speak, the bond contract charges a fee that will compensate the insurance company from the losses due to a wrong bet. The insurance company will not issue a bond unless the arrested immigrant is unlikely to jump bail. Therefore, if the immigrant jumps bail, there is a forfeiture of the immigration bail bonds. The released immigrant may be rearrested, and is no longer entitled to another bond.

Bail bondsman Los Angeles basically provides a contract to the court ensuring that the defendant would appear in the court. The guarantee is provided by the defendant’s family members or friends.
Click here for Beverly Hills bail bonds

A bail bondsman is the person whose task is to post bail for anyone who has been arrested. Securing the services of a good bail bondsman is not that difficult.
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Author Bio: Bail bondsman Los Angeles basically provides a contract to the court ensuring that the defendant would appear in the court. The guarantee is provided by the defendant’s family members or friends.
Click here for Beverly Hills bail bonds

Category: Legal
Keywords: Bail bondsman Los Angeles, Hollywood bail bonds, Beverly Hills bail bonds

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