Sculpting Your Butt – An Overview

Shaping the butt is one of the most difficult workouts for most people, but it is also high on priority for many. Genetically, women tend to put on more weight on their butt as compared to men. Fat deposits in this area are higher for women as it helps them during their pregnancy period. Hence, they need to put in more effort than men to reduce their butt size. Here are four simple exercises that will help to tone the butt.

Squatting exercises

This is the simplest kind of workout and is important for toning your butt. Any personal trainer is sure to recommend this form of workout to kick start your exercise regime. Standing with your feet apart, squat down in the same way as you would if you are sitting on a chair. Keep your feet firmly on the floor and go down as much as possible. Return back to your standing position and repeat. To add to the intensity, you can try the single-leg squats. To add to the resistance, you can hold dumbbells in your hand.


If you aim at toning your butts, you need to have sturdy and firm legs and hips. Hence, you need to include exercises that will help to strengthen your legs, thighs and hips as well. For this purpose, your personal trainer will include lunges as a part of your workout regime. Lunges are challenging exercises since they put to work multiple muscles at the same time. With your feet pointing straight ahead, position your feet about shoulder width apart. Next bring your left foot forward, bending at your knees and keeping your knees in line with your toes. To maintain balance, push with your heels and not your toes. Now come back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. While coming back, concentrate on straightening your hip and your knee. To add to the resistance, you can hold dumbbells in your hands.

Buttock Kickbacks

Our butt consists of the largest and the strongest muscle in our body, known as the gluteus maximus and this exercise specifically targets this muscle. Get down on all fours. Make sure that you knees are bent at a 90 degrees angle and your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Keeping your knees at a 90 degrees angle, lift your right leg back and move it up, until your foot is higher than your body or your thighs are horizontal to your trunk. Constrict your right buttock muscles and slowly lower your leg back to the start point. Repeat for the left leg as well. For added intensity, you can hold a dumbbell behind your knees or use ankle weights.


Riding a bike is a great exercise for almost every muscle in the lower part of the body. It is also very beneficial for the heart rate and can be practiced both indoors as well as outdoors. On a stationary bike, try and increase the speed and resistance levels after every five to ten minutes for a calorie blasting workout. If you enjoy working out outdoors, tag along a buddy and hit the cycling track for a good 30 minutes.

Dan Clay is a fitness boot camp specialist and owner of Dangerously Fit. If you would like to hire a Personal Trainer Maroubra or if you\’d like a free trial of Sydney bootcamps, visit Personal Training Sydney.

Dan Clay is a fitness boot camp specialist and owner of Dangerously Fit. If you would like to hire a Personal Trainer Maroubra or if you\’d like a free trial of Sydney bootcamps, visit Personal Training Sydney.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is a fitness boot camp specialist and owner of Dangerously Fit. If you would like to hire a Personal Trainer Maroubra or if you\’d like a free trial of Sydney bootcamps, visit Personal Training Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer Maroubra

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