Seven Simple Self Esteem Boosters
In today’s youth and materialistic obsessed world, self-esteem issues are at an all-time high. It is suspected that on average 4 out of 5 people will suffer from self-esteem problems at some point in their lives. If you are one of them, these five simple tips can help boost your self-esteem and leave you feeling instantly happier and more fulfilled.
Sport a new outfit.
They say clothes make the man but what they really do is make us feel better about the way others perceive us. Realistically, we all know we aren’t changing who we are with a new pair of jeans or sneakers but feeling better about ourselves on the outside can open the way for a more acceptant feeling of ourselves on the inside. If you can’t afford a new outfit, invest in an eye catching piece of jewelry or visit a thrift store for cool, new finds.
Change your look.
Drastic measures like surgery can be unhealthy but a new haircut can make all the difference in how you feel about yourself. When you are having trouble with what you see in the mirror, tweak it a little. There’s nothing wrong with improving what you already have in a healthy way.
Help someone in need.
The best way to feel good about you is to help someone else. There is nothing quite like the feeling of doing something good for someone who needs a reason to smile, a helping hand or just a friend to walk with them a ways. Charities can be a great way to not only help others but to meet new and interesting people and feel good about yourself in the process.
Find something you like to do . . . and do it well.
Martin Luther King once said “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” Everyone has something they are good it. If you know what that is, by all means, use your gift. If you are an artist offer your services to children’s fairs, schools and Boys and Girls clubs. If you are good with people join a local organization to help people in your community. Whatever it is, remember no job is unimportant. Everyone can make a difference.
When all else fails . . . smile. Smiles are contagious and open the doorway to fostering friendship and connections. Your smile could even boost the self-esteem of someone else going through exactly the same thing.
Get Plenty of Rest.
Nothing makes you feel worse about yourself than feeling like you are dragging your feet and looking like you haven’t slept in weeks. Get plenty of rest. Losing sleep can lead to depression and even prematurely age both your skin and your body. Curb sleep deprivation by either turning in early or hitting snooze once in a while.
Talk to Your Doctor.
If your every effort to feel better has failed, consult your doctor about the possibility of other causes for self-esteem issues. Signs of depression are often mimicking of self-esteem problems such as frequent crying, hopelessness, a feeling of impending doom, trouble sleeping and social anxiety. If this sounds familiar, your doctor can help you get back on track by offering low doses of serotonin and alternative methods to help you beat depression.
When it comes to boosting self-esteem, the most important factor is not isolating yourself or your feelings. Many people share your same fears of lack of self-worth. Consider joining a support group or sharing your feelings with a trusted friend and never, ever give up . . . . Especially not on yourself.
Mr. Autostima –
Author Bio: Mr.Autostima
Category: Self Help