Side Effects of Digestive Enzymes

The side effects of digestive enzymes should be a cause of concern if you are planning to take a supplement with digestive enzymes. Even though there are raving reviews about digestive enzyme supplements, most of them do come with side effects, some of which are mild, while others have the potential to become a major problem. Side effects of digestive enzymes are expected during the initial phase of the treatment. If it is your first time to take a digestive enzyme supplement, you may experience one or several of the following:

* Diarrhea

* Constipation

* Bloating

* Tummy aches

* Flatulence or gas pains

* Dizziness

* Fatigue

These side effects are only temporary and should resolve on their own after a few days. However, if diarrhea persists or becomes worse, waiting a few days to take action can already be life-threatening. If you are having diarrhea after taking a digestive enzyme pill, supplement your body with water mixed with a solution formulated to combat dehydration. You may also take a probiotic drink to increase our supply of the good bacteria. Probiotic drinks, such as Yakult or Kefir, have millions of good bacteria, and they considerably improve intestinal health. If you are vomiting and continue to have cold, clammy skin, develop dark circles, lose your skin’s elasticity, or feel weak, seek immediate medical attention. These are signs and symptoms of dehydration, and too much fluid loss can damage many internal organs, so don’t take these for granted.

Digestive enzymes are not designed to suit everybody. In fact, there are people who should not consider taking pancreatic enzymes at all. Children with a condition called cystic fibrosis are cautioned against taking pancreatic enzymes without medical guidance as these can cause fibrosing colonopathy. Fibrosing colonopathy results when patients are made to take enteric-coated pancreatic enzymes in high doses.

Since not many clinical studies are available to prove the safety of digestive enzyme supplements in pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to forego taking this type of supplement. If you are pregnant and you need to boost your digestive system (as this, indeed, can become sluggish during pregnancy), simply change your diet to include raw (but thoroughly cleaned) foods, but focus on vegetables and fruits. A glass of fresh pineapple juice is a great partner to your breakfast. Pineapple naturally contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that would enable you to digest your food more easily. Uncooked eggs and seafoods are not at all recommended in pregnancy because of the danger of food poisoning.

If you are a diabetic, you may also need to take digestive enzymes with caution. As you know there are some blends of digestive enzymes that lower blood cholesterol levels, so if you are already taking insulin or some form of maintenance drug for your diabetes, please make sure to talk to your doctor about it first and avoid the possibility of having extremely low blood sugar. You can get into a coma when that happens.

Imagine what could happen if you don’t know these side effects of digestive enzymes to begin with!

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Author Bio: Prebiotics and digestive enzymes supplement work naturally to make you feel better (and happier). Now, go click here: to discover the best health secret of all!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Side Effects of Digestive Enzymes,health,supplements,acid reflux,heartburn,irritable bowel syndrome

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