Smart Business Travel For Women

Business travel for ladies can be a challenge, because women tend to be more fashion conscious and you have to worry about make up and such things. However, if you follow these guidelines, you can make your business travel go smoother. This means that you will be more productive and rested on your trip.

First of all, make sure you are well rested at all times. You can only use so much make up to conceal the dark circles under your eyes from jet lag or poor sleeping in strange hotel rooms. You should make sure you have an eye mask and earplugs in your travel bag so you can grab a good sleep wherever you might be. We always prefer wax earplugs to foam, as they block more sound on noisy airplanes. It is also a good idea to get a blow up pillow so you can comfortably rest your head on the airplane. You won’t have to worry about using one of those tiny airline pillows to get comfy. Also, this prevents your hair from being messed up while you rest.

You also should carry small packets of food with you on your plane trips. You might have delays, mechanical problems, or be stuck on the tarmac for hours. Airlines these days do not provide much more than tiny snacks for most domestic flights, so carry a power bar and an apple with you.

When you are at your hotel, make sure you wake up on time. Those hotel alarm clocks get abused and may not work right. Take a sports watch with you with a good alarm, or use your cell phone’s alarm. You also can use the stopwatch on the watch for your work out in the fitness center at the hotel.

Do not pack more than you need. You should wear your business attire on the plane if you are going to a meeting the same day. Assume that your luggage will get lost, so make sure you carry essentials with you on the plane. If possible, try to pack everything in a medium carryon and forgo checking your luggage at all. We like to try to fit everything that we need into that one carry on and stick it under the seat right in front of us. This means you do not have to scramble for overhead space or worry about anything being stolen out of your bag.

Don’t bring more full outfits than necessary. You can mix and match 2 or 3 outfits over several days. These business trips are not the time to be at your most fashionable. Be practical.

Also, make sure you do not bring more shoes with you than you need. We recommend that you wear the pair of shoes you will use for business, and carry 1 pair of tennis shoes for exercising or informal occasions.

Hopefully if you follow some of these business travel guidelines for ladies, your next travel experience will be less stressful and more productive.

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Category: Travel
Keywords: Business, Travel, Advise, Lodging

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