The Intrinsic and Extrinsic Advantages of Funeral Insurance

Two things are inevitable in this life that we live – death and taxes. To prepare with our date with the latter you need to begin planning for the costs associated with funerals. Funeral planning is typically a taboo subject in many cultures but remember that if you don’t take care of it ahead of time you may be leaving your estate in poor shape and creating difficulties for your family. Your family may end up with unforeseen financial expenses that may take years to recover from. What you need to combat this state of flux is to purchase a funeral insurance policy and thus secure the finances of your loved ones.

The funeral insurance policies that are offered in the market will typically cut all costs that are associated with your funeral – this may include the cost of internment, cosmetology, embalming and other costs such as grave space, and even a burial plot for the deceased. Funeral insurance is often referred to as a preterm agreement – that essentially means that you and the policy provider get to agree on the time when a given policy will be set to mature. When the policy does mature or when you die during the period that is stipulated during the terms of agreement, your beneficiaries get the predetermined funeral expenses paid.

Funeral insurance has both intrinsic and extrinsic advantages that are attached to it. The extrinsic cost benefits are as follows. Foremost, this kind of policy is not considered to be an estate asset and consequently it is exempt from taxation. Secondly, the advantage of this sort of funeral insurance is that you get to determine the amount that you want to take out for a policy. The advantage of this is that you in essence invest the amount of money that is to be invested in your funeral. The last advantage of this form of policy is that some of these accounts are exempt from interest charges and that allows you to pay the policy in full without any interest being levied.

One intrinsic value that is associated with purchasing a funeral insurance policy is that it represents an acknowledgment that you are looking at and have an eye on eternity matters and this represents an individual who is making peace with self. Second is the satisfaction you get from knowing that you are sparing your family, and by extension your estate, from the expenses that come with funerals. Taking charge of the moment when you make your final bow from the stage that is this world, is without a doubt, a thing that calls for self applause on your part.

Funeral policies represent many things to many people: Man’s attempt to steer the ship called life, an individual’s daring attempt at courting disaster, prudent planning, foresight, et al. One common thread that runs through this thought patterns is of course the uncertainty of death and what it bodes for mortal man. When you are planning a funeral and are engaged in funeral planning, ponder over the above issues, and then when all is said and done, get some funeral insurance.

Trying to figure out the best funeral plans in Canada? Then visit Assurant Life of Canada at – protecting your family with funeral insurance and funeral planning insurance.

Trying to figure out the best funeral plans in Canada? Then visit Final Needs Planning – protecting your family with funeral insurance and funeral planning insurance.

Author Bio: Trying to figure out the best funeral plans in Canada? Then visit Assurant Life of Canada at – protecting your family with funeral insurance and funeral planning insurance.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Funeral planning, funeral insurance, burial insurance, funeral plans Canada

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