The Main Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

The erectile dysfunction in young men may sound impossible since for a long time this problem has been synonymous with men aged above 40 years. Nevertheless, the changing lifestyle has shifted the goalposts from men aged above 40 to the young men. There are several young men suffering from this problem, but the worst thing is that they are in denial of the problem. Rarely would you find them seeking medical assistance even after they have discovered that they are suffering from ED. Generally, ED refers to a condition whereby a patient is incapable of achieving as well as sustaining an erection in the course of love affair. The following are some of the common reasons that have been listed by research as major causes of erectile dysfunction in young men.

Psychological problems:

Many young men have been identified to be suffering from ED as a result of mental problems. Among the common issues that have been attributed to causing this problem include sexual issues that occurred in your early life, high anxiety prior to having sex (especially if it is your first time) and other mental issues that may make one feel inadequate. The mind of a young man requires being in a sexual state since sexual intercourse is a state of the mind. If it is missing, the act is impossible.

Health conditions:

If an individual is in poor health state, erectile dysfunction may also be experienced. Among the adverse health conditions that have been attributed to causing erectile dysfunction in men are heart disease, obesity and diabetes just to mention a few. Surgical procedures have also been attributed to cause erectile dysfunction.

Unhealthy lifestyles:

Many young men are living very unhealthy lifestyles that are contributing to deterioration of their general health making them vulnerable to sexual disorders. Among these habits include excessive smoking, drinking, taking stimulants and hard drugs. The college and high school students are mainly vulnerable to these habits in attempt to fit in with their peers. Nonetheless, many of them fail to understand that these habits have a direct impact on their general health attributed to causing erectile dysfunction in young men. The aforementioned drugs act on the nervous system hence contribute to suppressing normal release of the hormones that cause sexual arousal and stimulation.


Physical injuries are another major cause of sexual dysfunction in men. Injuries that may cause damage to the brain or central nervous system are a major cause of erectile dysfunction in youth. Car injuries, athletics, mountaineering and football related injuries are normally very serious and may lead to ED. There are several ED treatments available in the market to help young men suffering from the conditions to cope easily. Keep reading for some tips on ED regimens.

Medical solution:

Oral pills are the most common kind of medical treatment. These drugs are mainly PDE 5 inhibitors and mainly provide temporary solutions. Other common treatment methods used in addressing this problem may include pellets, surgery, prosthetic implants and injections.

Natural treatments:

These treatment plans are generally the best and safest that one can engage in. This is because they lack the severe side effects caused by some of the synthetic treatment programs. Besides, some of the treatment solutions bring permanent solutions. Aphrodisiacs, herbs and spices all belong to this category. Eating a healthy diet with dry fruits and plenty of green vegetables can help in easing the symptoms of the condition.

Psychological remedy:

This is an effective and permanent solution to the erectile dysfunction in young men condition. Counseling is often an effective treatment used in diagnosing the cause of the problem as well as providing absolute treatment.

Erectile dysfunction in young men
Erectile dysfunction is not something to be ashamed of, but should be discussed openly with your physician because that is the only way it will be dealt with.
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Many men suffering from impotence or erectile dysfunction think that the condition is not curable. The condition is in fact very curable.
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Author Bio: Erectile dysfunction in young men
Erectile dysfunction is not something to be ashamed of, but should be discussed openly with your physician because that is the only way it will be dealt with.
Click here for Natural male enhancers

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Erectile dysfunction in young men, Natural male enhancers, Natural libido enhancers

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