Tips For Keeping a Prospect Warm
Hitting the trade show and generating excitement and attention for your booth is what it is all about on the day. However, once you have generated some trade show buzz and started getting the attention of the attendees, you want to capitalize on that initial interest and turn it into something more concrete. Promotional items are a great way of doing this – free gifts, especially those which are branded with your name and contact information are fantastic for keeping your company in the mind of the attendee long after the show has finished and everyone has wrapped up for the day.
A good tip when selecting trade show giveaways is to ensure that the gift is unique in some way. Being unique means that the item is more likely to hold novelty value and the attendee will keep hold of it for longer. Unique promotional gifts are also talking points – someone else sees them and they will enquire where the gift originates form. This works well on the trade show day itself and can help to drive more traffic to your booth. On the other hand, once the attendee has returned back to their own offices, the gift keeps on working, even if another freebie is not going to be able to be sourced by inquisitive colleagues of the attendee. This just helps to keep your company name and identity in the mind of the attendee, which helps when you perform your follow up calls after the show.
Another good tip is to source promotional giveaways which are practical. For instance, a wine corkscrew will continue to be used, a desk organizer, paper blotter with a calendar on it, a wall calendar – these are al good examples of things which will stay in the visual sight of the attendee for long after the show. Not only will it stay in visual sight, but the benefit from using the item will enhance the attendee’s perception of your business.
Add value in the mind of the attendee by making them work for the promotional item on the day itself. Despite the term “freebie”, in life nothing is free and a gift is a reward for doing something for you. If an attendee wants to get a gift out of you, hold back the better quality items but let the attendee know how they can get one. For instance, a basic gift is available for just talking to you, for example, a key fob, however the electronic cup warmer which plugs into the USB port of their computer is going to require them to sit down and complete a customer questionnaire. By making the attendee perform an action you want them to do, and generating business and contact information to assist in follow up and closing a future sale, then in their minds, the promotional item acquires greater value. They are less likely to treat the gift as something which is disposable and more likely to hang on to it – after all, they have had to “work” for it. is the leading supplier of trade show booths and accessories in the country. Find out more about our trade show business here. is the leading supplier of trade show booths and accessories in the country. Find out more about our trade show business
Author Bio: is the leading supplier of trade show booths and accessories in the country. Find out more about our trade show business here.
Category: Advice
Keywords: Business, Advertise, Marketing