Tips to Stay Healthy Even at Work

A nine to nine desk job might not leave you with enough time to follow a fitness regime, join a gym or even work out at home. However, exercising is extremely essential for all. Sitting and working the whole day without any physical activity can increase the risk of al lot of diseases and physical infirmities. Following a strict schedule to maintain your fitness levels might seem a little difficult when at work but it is not impossible. All that is required is a little commitment and a little motivation on your part.

Eating Healthy

When in office and sitting and working whole day long, there is a high probability that you will be over eating. Chances that you will be eating unhealthy food and junk are very high. The problem is not eating per say. What goes wrong is that, you eat and you sit at the same place throughout the day. The rate at which you consume calories does not match with the rate at which these calories get burnt.

Office environment does not provide much scope for physical activity which in turn raises the risk of obesity. Thus, first and foremost eat healthy. As far as possible, take your meals at fixed hours. Take home cooked food to office and avoid eating junk every day. What you cook at home is any day better and healthier than outside food. Next, rely more on fluids and fresh fruits. Consume a lot of juices or eat fresh fruits as these are easily available at any time. Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated. If you have a regular morning shift, then do not skip your breakfast what so ever.

Finding Time to Exercise while at Work

You might wonder how you can work out at office. But, if you are willing to utilize time there are enough opportunities. Whenever, you take a break do not just keep sitting in the office. Go out for a walk. This ensures some amount of physical activity. If possible walk or bike to work. This will not only keep you fit, but also save gasoline. Thus, not only you keep yourself fit this way but also switch to an environment friendly option.

If there is a rest room or gym in the office, go do some stretching for a while. If there is a treadmill or bike in the office gym, go use these in the free time. Take stairs instead of elevators. This keeps your muscles moving and flexible which is very important. Ask your personal trainer for more such tips and ways to exercise in between your office work.

When you get back home from work, you do not necessarily have to follow a monotonous exercise regime. Chances are you will be too bored to do any serious exercising. Instead you can take up swimming, dancing, and aerobics or even play any sport of your choice. The idea is to indulge in any kind of physical activity. Even these activities help you to keep fit, burn your excess calories and provide mental relief from a stressful day.

Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. If you would like to sign up for a free session with a Personal Trainer Domain or for a free bootcamp session, visit Sydney Personal Trainers.

Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. If you would like to sign up for a free session with a Personal Trainer Domain or for a free bootcamp session, visit Sydney Personal Trainers.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. If you would like to sign up for a free session with a Personal Trainer Domain or for a free bootcamp session, visit Sydney Personal Trainers.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer Domain

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