Tough to Be a Christian

Living in today’s society and trying to follow the teachings of Christ is not that easy to do. So many of our church leaders talk about the abundant blessing from the Lord, (which there are many) but along with the blessings they should be challenging us to truly make an effort to follow Christ’s example, which is tough. We need to challenge every aspect of our daily lives and question ourselves about the motives behind our choices, actions and words. Not only do our churches very seldom challenge the Christian on their actions, but almost never discuss the consequences of not following Christ’s commandments.

The leaders of the early church spoke very direct to the followers of Christ’s teachings after His crucifixion. Take out your Bible and read the book of Jude, it is only two chapters so it will not take long, but it reminds us about the wrath of the Lord to the un-godly. This is hard to hear, but the Bible is the foundation of our faith and we need to understand it is God’s Word. God loves us and wants to give us eternal life, peace in this current life, and is always willing to show us how to achieve them. However, He is not a God that can be taken lightly or walked over. When He tells us how He expects us to live, that is what He means. Now back to Jude, there are three examples of His judgment the author of Jude reminds us of. The first is when He delivered His people out of Egypt and then destroyed those that did not believe. He then speaks of the angels who were once pure in the presence of God, gave up their position to join satin and were put in chains until the Day of Judgment.

The third example is the way He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sexual immorality and perversion. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is especially interesting because I wonder what sexual immorality they were involved in that was worse than what we see in our society today. Look around, not only TV and Hollywood, but also take a look at what our kids are watching on the music video channels. Based on what I see, if they could think of anything worse, they would be doing that as well and then there is pornography. The increase in pornography, some involving children, has grown out of control through the Internet. So where does that leave us as far as up coming judgment?

We must stay ever vigilant to be righteous; it does not just happen when we accept Christ into our lives. Yes our lives are changed, our eyes are open to His ways, but we must learn to trust the ways of the Lord. For the most part, there is not a demon or satin waiting to tempt us into sin. It is our own desires and the influences all around us that cause us to sin, which before we accepted Christ, we thought were normal. We make it hard on ourselves through our lack of faith. However, as we mature in faith, we realize the Lord’s ways are the best and He is standing there waiting to guide us through life’s pitfalls. Just like our earthly children, we will fail and disappoint our heavenly father, but as we are for our children, God is always there to love us, protect us, and forgive us.

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Steve Childers is the author of Catholic or Protestant: What our Churches Should Be Teaching. Visit to learn more about the book and to register for FREE articles sent weekly. This book is also the perfect guide for your Bible study topics as you discover the full truth of God’s Word.

Childers is the author of Catholic or Protestant: What our Churches Should Be Teaching. Visit to register for FREE articles sent weekly. This book is the perfect guide for your Bible study topics as you seek the full truth of God’s Word.

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Steve Childers is the author of Catholic or Protestant: What our Churches Should Be Teaching. Visit to learn more about the book and to register for FREE articles sent weekly. This book is also the perfect guide for your Bible study topics as you discover the full truth of God’s Word.

Category: Religion
Keywords: accepted christ,accept christ,sexual immorality,crucifixion,sodom and gomorrah,judgement,ruth

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