Trade Show Rules For Success

A successful trade show not only requires time, dedication and precise planning, but also needs a cool clear head. Check out the following useful hints and you can be sure your head will be clear to concentrate on making your trade show exhibition a success.


It doesn’t matter what you get involved in there, are some kind of rules you have to observe. A trade show exhibition is no different. Carefully read and comprehend the rules and guidelines that the trade show organisers present to you. Address any rules you don’t fully understand directly with the organisers well in advance. You don’t want to set up your booth and find you’ve contravened the rules, because the organisers may request changes that at such a late stage could affect what you’re trying to achieve. If you feel you may be contravening a rule of guideline, contact the organisers to get clearance in advance. This way you can be certain you won’t encounter any issues upon arrival.

Back-up Plans

Don’t assume nothing will go wrong with your booth. While today’s booths don’t require substantially technical knowledge to put them together, they are capable of providing you with the facilities to use plenty of modern technology. It’s not practical to carry a replacement for every piece of equipment you intend to use, but it is sensible to ensure you items like a basic tool kit and replacement light bulbs. You don’t want you booth plunged into darkness halfway through the day. Having these items to hand behind your booth will mean that if a light bulb blows, you can quickly replace it.


You’re going to have a lot of electrical items in your booth and somehow they all have to get connected to the power supply. Make certain you’ve work out how many plug sockets you will need and make sure you take an adequate supply of extension cables. Check out the distance from the main power source to the places where your electrical equipment will be installed. Take spare extension cables, they can fuse and then several items may stop working. Take a couple of multiplier plugs as well; they may come in handy at some point.


Plan well in advance. There are a lot of things you need to do long before the trade show starts. Attention to detail is important, leave nothing to chance if possible. A well planned trade show means stress levels are minimized, you remain cooler and you have a clear head.

In conclusion, while it’s important you and your team have a positive attitude toward having a successful trade show, it is equally important to take account of things that might go wrong. Meet with your team and get them to suggest anything that may go wrong so you end up with list of items. Now address each item in turn and find a solution and write it down. This means you have tried to cover every eventuality and if something doesn’t go according to plan then you are already prepared.

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Author Bio: Visit Monster Displays for great trade show information. Visit us for great deals on retractable banner wall kits.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Business, Advertise, Marketing

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