Travelling the Earth Shouldn’t Cost the Earth

When you are travelling abroad, it’s great if you are in a position to know how much it is costing you to use your mobile phone. Some people go to a lot of hassle trying to pick a different network to get lower rates for their international roams. Other people feel that they cannot call home to keep up with family and friends due to the high cost of international mobile roaming.

There is no doubt about it, the use of a mobile phone for making international mobile calls can be very costly, and can burn a hole in your wallet. Horror stories abound about the costs of international roaming and the big bills that many people get when they return home, and this can leave a bad atmosphere over the whole trip. So a great new service, that allows people control their mobile roaming, and to make and receive cheap international mobile calls is to be greatly welcomes.

The service is from a company called FlexiRoam, and involves the purchase of a SIM card at your destination. This new number is texted to FlexiRoam, and they then divert all incoming mobile calls to this new number. The great advantage of this is that you are only charged at the local rate for receiving such international mobile calls. Likewise, you can make outgoing international mobile phone calls at very little cost.

FlexiRoam provide a great customer service, and this is evident in all their activities. Moreover, even when you return home, they contact you with a statement which itemizes your bill, and shows you have much you saved by using their service.

In these days of economic downturn, people are always looking for a way to save money, and the use of FlexiRoam will definitely leave you with more cash in your pocket. Also, it takes a lot of stress out of international roaming, and you are more confident in using your mobile phone when abroad. You can spend the money you are saving on yourself for an even greater trip.

Their service will also make your trip a safer one, as you will be more likely to carry your mobile with you as if you were at home. Many people, if they take their mobile phone with them at all on their travels, tend to leave it behind in their hotel room, for fear of generating large bills. Now, knowing that you will only be charged a local price for receiving incoming mobile calls, you will be more inclined to carry your mobile phone with you at all times abroad, and this adds an element of safety to your trip.

So a little bit of planning for your international roam will go a long way, and will put you in charge of your mobile roaming. Before you begin to plan your next break abroad, check out FlexiRoam and make sure you sign up before you go. This will ensure that while abroad you will save a fortune, and not spend a fortune.

Want to get in touch with your friends and family overseas? Looking for the best mobile roaming and mobile calls international services for you? Click on the links for more information!

Want to get in touch with your friends and family overseas? Looking for the best mobile roaming and mobile calls international services for you? Click on for more information!

Author Bio: Want to get in touch with your friends and family overseas? Looking for the best mobile roaming and mobile calls international services for you? Click on the links for more information!

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: roaming international, international roam, mobile roaming, international call, international mobile

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