Useful Guidelines to Protect Yourself From Blood Borne Pathogens

Acquired Immune Immunodeficiency Syndrome, hepatitis, malaria, syphilis, arboviral infections and relapsing fever are some of the diseases caused by blood borne pathogens. If your job requires you to be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious fluids, you must know and understand how to protect yourself against infections caused by blood borne pathogens.

Blood borne pathogens can enter your body through mucous membranes in your eyes, nose and mouth, accidental punctures, open cuts and skin abrasions.

You may be exposed to these pathogens in medical offices, dental clinic, nursing homes and hospitals. Situations like accidents and emergencies may also place you at a risk of exposure to pathogens. You must know how to protect yourself at all times. Here are some interesting tips.

Guidelines For Protection Against Blood Borne Pathogens

– You should avoider-using disposable gloves. Always keep your hands away from your face while wearing gloves. As you remove the gloves turn them inside out and dispose safely. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water after removing the gloves.

– If you are assigned with a task of discarding blood borne pathogen waste, you should use red can liners or bags and containers that are marked with the biohazard warnings. It is crucial to handle these containers cautiously. Never support the bottom or sides of the container with your hands. Instead, hold them from the top.

– Do not collect and dispose sharp objects like needles, sharps and broken glass with your hands. Use forceps, broom and dust pan to dispose them safely.

– If you come into contact with human blood or other potentially infectious body fluids, you must assume that they are infectious and take necessary measures to protect yourself. Wash the exposed area with antibacterial soap and water. Flush your nose, eyes and mouth with water for up to fifteen minutes.

– If you have to touch blood or other potentially infectious materials remember to wear your gloves. If you have cuts, scratches or abrasions in your skin, ensure that you cover them properly with bandages before handling blood and bodily fluids.

– If your gloves are torn, punctured, cracked or show signs of deterioration do not hesitate to immediately discard them. If the gloves are not in good condition, they will not provide a complete barrier. You must also learn to check for tears, punctures and other damages in protective equipments.

– Under emergency situations, you may need to apply resuscitation techniques to save the life of the victim. It is recommended to use appropriate protective resuscitation devices.

– Blood borne pathogens like hepatitis B virus can survive in dried blood for up to one week. Remember therefore to clean contaminated work surfaces, needles and other instruments. Using an appropriate disinfectant is important to reduce the risk of infection.

Gaining adequate knowledge on how blood borne pathogens transmit from one person to another and how to use appropriate methods to prevent or reduce exposure can help you protect yourself from these disease causing microorganisms. Save this info on your Desktop or in a folder with other blood borne pathogens info for handy reference.

For more information, please visit our bloodborne pathogens website.

For more information, please visit our bloodborne pathogens website

Author Bio: For more information, please visit our bloodborne pathogens website.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation,HIV ,Blood Borne Pathogens ,housekeeping employee,

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