Vallejuelo Classic Cigar Review
Vallejuelo Classic cigars come in three vitolas, such as the Gran Toro, Robusto and the Robusto Gordo. This particular cigar line is made in the Dominican Republic by what is considered a very small factory that produces high quality and prestigious cigars at an affordable price.
These gems have been named the “Best Bargain Cigar of 2010” by Cigar Aficionado magazine and are amazingly beautiful in their appearance. The Vallejuelo Classic cigar has been called a very rich and bold stick by many reviewers, making this a brand that one would be eager to try.
The Vallejuelo Classic cigar has an oily, rusty colored wrapper with a three seam cap, and the pre-light draw is one that is bursting with coffee, toasty wheat and blackberry flavors. The stick is bold and daring with a touch of majestic innocence.
Once lit, there is a premium red pepper spicy hue that can be intensified by retro-haling through the nose. After a few minutes, there are the gentle coffee flavors, and rapidly following is the taste of cedar, nuts, and a tangy hue that is intriguing.
The coffee component is said to stay and linger in the forefront, while the other flavors take turns at tingling your palate. During the second third of this distinguished cigar it begins to smooth out somewhat and leaves a good clean finish on your taste buds.
The final third is a bit more daring as the flavors start bursting forth. The intensity and flavor that builds up is quite amazing. This is a stick that beckons cigar smokers everywhere to try for the first time.
The quaint, tangy flavors linger for a few minutes after the finish, delightfully reminding you to order some more from your favorite online cigar shop. They have an awesome level of construction which is rarely seen in smokes, especially ones in this price range.
The well-aged Dominican binder and ligero tobacco from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic makes up the blend of this fine stick. The factory owner, Maurice Koks (“Big Mo”) is an accomplished and rising star in this industry, so we are expecting to see even more outstanding offerings in the future.
Vallejuelo Classic cigars have a bit more nicotine than your typical cigar, and it is on the medium to bold side of strength, although quite a few novices have thoroughly enjoyed it. Experienced smokers know what a prize they have when they smoke this beauty, and they savor every moment of it.
The Vallejuelo Classic cigar is quite an impressive smoke, and most say it is a pleasure to smoke and would recommend it to anyone wanting to enjoy an exemplary cigar. These sticks also make a great gift for your co-workers and business associates. They would be very well received when put together with some cool smoking accessories such as a cigar cutter, brand apparel, travel cigar tubes and more.
Vallejuelo Classic cigars are the way to go when you want to simply relax with a few friends after a long and tiring day’s work. Keep these beauties in your humidor and savor the awesome flavors of genius.
Buy Cigars online at our virtual cigar lounge. We carry Vallejuelo Classic Cigars & Cigar as well as cigar accessories. Buy Cigars online at our virtual cigar lounge. We carry Vallejuelo Classic Cigars & Cigar as well as cigar accessories.
Author Bio: Buy Cigars online at our virtual cigar lounge. We carry Vallejuelo Classic Cigars & Cigar as well as cigar accessories.
Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: Vallejuelo Classic Cigars & Cigar, online cigar store, cigar cutter, fine cigars, cigar accessories