Weight Loss Troubleshooting Part 2
In part 1 of this series we discussed the four most common reasons for fat loss resistance. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the solutions. But before we do that, please understand that the following information does not replace qualified medical advice. I strongly encourage you to see a functional medicine practitioner to help you personally.
Hidden (and not-so-hidden) Stress
This isn’t an article on dealing with mental/emotional stress, because many articles and books exist on that topic. This section will give you suggestions on dealing with hidden stress.
1. Get your cortisol rhythm assessed. This is done through salivary cortisol testing. If it uncovers that your cortisol rhythm is off, you need to take further action.
2. Get an MRT test for food sensitivities. You may think that you know what your sensitivities are, but you’d be surprised. An apple is a generally good food. But is it good for you? It may not be, and unless you get tested, you won’t know.
3. Go to the website www.ewg.org and look up how toxic are the everyday items that you’re using. Then, use the same site to find healthier alternatives.
4. If you’ve been doing long-duration cardio, stop, and replace it with activities like yoga, tai chi, qigong, etc.
Thyroid Malfunction
1. Get tested for TSH, T4, T3, free T4, free T3, T3 uptake, TPO and TBG. This will give you a much better picture of what’s going on with your thyroid.
2. Because so many things can go wrong with the thyroid, giving a blanket prescription here may help some, but hurt others. The best advice I can give you is to ask your doctor about your specific case. And if s/he doesn’t know, or can’t give you a satisfactory answer, find a professional who can.
Poor Insulin Sensitivity
1. Replace grains with greens
2. Reduce sugar as much as possible
3. Lift weights. Train like a bodybuilder (even if you’re a woman), because traditional bodybuilding routines are best for improving insulin sensitivity.
4. Supplement with fish oil, zinc, magnesium and vitamin D.
These strategies all help reduce the amount of insulin released, as well as the amount of insulin released in response to a certain serving of carbohydrates.
Poor Digestion
1. Use the betaine HCl challenge test (do a search for it) to figure out how much of it you should take. Chances are you’re deficient in stomach acid, which is essential for the digestion of protein, zinc, B12, calcium, manganese, and a number of other vital nutrients.
2. Eliminate the foods that cause poor digestion, like sugar, pop, and processed foods.
3. Reduce your stress. Believe it or not, stress is the primary reason for poor stomach acid.
These are some simple (though not necessarily easy) strategies you can implement to help you improve your body, and give you the best chance of losing body fat. I should emphasize once again that ideally you’ll work with a professional, who can individualize this advice for your unique situation, because blanket recommendations aren’t as effective, and in some cases may be dangerous, depending on the person.
Struggling to lose that unwanted weight? Then get fit today with the help of personal training Toronto and visit www.torontofitnessonline.com, located at 800 Yonge St, Toronto, ON, M4W 1A3 and can be contacted at (647) 271-8672.
Struggling to lose that unwanted weight? Then get fit today with the help of personal trainers Toronto and Toronto Fitness Online, located at 800 Yonge St, Toronto, ON, M4W 1A3 and can be contacted at (647) 271-8672.
Author Bio: Struggling to lose that unwanted weight? Then get fit today with the help of personal training Toronto and visit www.torontofitnessonline.com, located at 800 Yonge St, Toronto, ON, M4W 1A3 and can be contacted at (647) 271-8672.
Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: personal trainer Toronto, personal training Toronto, Toronto fitness online, Toronto gym