What a Woman Can Expect With Menopause

Early Menopause Symptoms – When will it All Start?

All women are different, but most women will start to notice the onset of menopause around the age of 45 to 50. However, it can start as early as 40 years of age for some women. Sometimes it will start sooner due to genetics, illnesses, or medical procedures.

Typically when you start to experience hot flashes your body is starting to go through menopause. This is when you cannot control how warm you feel and for very little reason known to you it suddenly feels warmer wherever you are. People around you may think you are crazy because you feel so warm and that is a true sign that you are going through a hot flash.

About 75% of women will experience some sort of hot flashes before menopause completely hits and it can be as high as 90% of women when menopause is induced. You may only experience these symptoms for a very short amount of time or they could be very prolonged. The good news is you now know menopause is about to start and you can do something about it.

The other two common symptoms to expect when you are about to start menopause is insomnia and hair loss. The insomnia usually comes along with the night sweats, which are just a nighttime version of hot flashes. Hair loss is not nearly as common, but you may experience your hair brush or comb pulling out more hair than normal.

What to Expect when Menopause Hits you Fully

When you do arrive at the time in your life that menopause is upon you it is normal to still experience some form of hot flashes. You will also notice your period stopping or becoming very irregular right before menopause hits. This is quite normal and a very big part of the change your body is about to go through.

You will most likely experience some type of mood swings and these can be very severe or just minor. They could lead to depression in the worst cases and also to anxiety attacks. Some of the other very commons things you may experience are a decreased desire for sex, struggles focusing, and potentially a bit of memory lapse.

This is all very common and should not alarm you, but you may want to find a way to control these symptoms as much as you can. It is better to recognize the symptoms early, then try to deny them. All women will go through this change and if you are prepared for it you will be able to find the right natural treatment to make this time of your life a bit easier.

One other thing that many women are very concerned about when menopause hits is weight gain. By understanding that your body no longer has to support your reproductive system you will be able to adjust your diet accordingly. Most of the time the weight gain is due to women continuing to take in the same amount of calories when they need 10% to 15% less in their daily diet.

You do need to make sure each calorie you take in counts since you will be cutting your diet significantly. It is important to get the nutrients you need and there are some foods that can actually help with the symptoms coming along with menopause. You should also be aware of some of the things that can cause a hot flash to happen or can cause menopause to be harder for you.

What Should You do When Menopause Hits?

There are many things you can do when menopause becomes a part of your life. You can have your doctor examine you and give you advice as to which prescription drugs might help. However, doctors are still very much baffled by menopause and can only do so much for you during this change.

Instead it is important to become educated about what you are going to be dealing with and how you can keep it under control. You can still get the restful and peaceful sleep you need without the interruption of the night sweats if you have the right natural remedies to help you through this change.

It is important to become prepared as soon as you know menopause is starting or even sooner. Study up and find out what the best herbal remedies are and what the best diet changes are for this time in your life. You can also look into other things to change in your life to make sure this major change will go much smoother for you.

Find out about gaining Menopause Control by visiting the Menopause Control Blog Here: Menopause Control Tips

If you are ready to take control back, then it is time for you to find out about the Menopause Control EBook by going to this website: http://menopausecontrol.org/ Also, discover more information about Menopause and all the symptoms associated by going to the Menopause Control Blog here: http://wp.

Author Bio: Find out about gaining Menopause Control by visiting the Menopause Control Blog Here: Menopause Control Tips

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: menopause, what to expect with menopause, natural menopause remedies, menopause symptoms

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