What Are the Different Home Energy Savings For Seattle Residence?

As the problem on global warming and depletion of energy sources continue to haunt nations, more people are becoming aware of energy saving. Various states have initiated efforts to tap renewable sources of energy and teach the public on how to lessen their energy consumption whether at home or at work. States have come up with laws and incentives to encourage the public to save energy. One state that continuously supports energy saving is Seattle. The different home energy savings for Seattle residence are proven helpful in reducing energy consumption as well as environment pollution.

Many tips on home energy savings for Seattle residence recommend conducting your own home energy assessment or commonly known as home energy audit. This allows you to detect how much energy your home consumes and take the necessary steps to lessen energy consumption in order to make your home energy efficient.

A home energy audit can check the different areas of your home and point out where you are using more energy. Aside from assessing your energy consumption, the home energy assessment can also give you ideas on how to save on electricity and water. Check air leaks or drafts in your window frames, baseboards, electrical outlets, mail slots and attic hatches among others. Air leaks create heat loss. Experts indicate that you can save as much as five percent to thirty percent in your energy consumption every year by simply fixing these air leaks.

Aside from air leaks, proper home insulation also helps in conserving energy. Inadequate insulation also results to heat loss and a primary reason of energy waste. Various cooling and heating equipment account for the majority of any home’s energy use. Clean them annually and check it for any damage. It is also advisable to change your furnace filters at least once a month. You can also clean and seal all your home heating ducts. Furthermore, check the wattage size of the light bulbs used in your homes. Energy coming from lighting takes up ten percent of the electric bill. To save money and energy as well, change your light bulbs into compact fluorescent lamps or energy efficient lamps. Nowadays, more homes opt to use solar energy by installing photovoltaic cells on their roofs.

Home energy savings for Seattle residence does not only involve saving on electricity. It also includes water conservation. Over the years, the world has witnessed the scarcity of clean source of water. By saving on water and using water wisely, the next generation is assured of a steady supply of safe and clean water. Simple steps like turning off the faucet while brushing the teeth or fixing water leaks in faucets can make a big difference. Other ways to save water include upgrading toilets into water efficient models, keep the water used for washing fruits and vegetables and used it to water the plants, tightly turn off faucets after every use and shorten the time you spend in the shower to name a few.

These home energy savings for Seattle residence are intended not only to save on energy but also help the public to save more money. It also contributes to a cleaner environment by eliminating pollution.

Are you looking for more information regarding home energy savings for Seattle residence? Visit http://loriw.cleangreennation.com today!

Are you looking for more information regarding home energy savings for Seattle residence? Visit http://loriw.cleangreennation.com today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding home energy savings for Seattle residence? Visit http://loriw.cleangreennation.com today!

Category: Society
Keywords: home energy,home energy savings,energy consumption

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