What is an Automated Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is a growing science, and over the course of time newer methods are introduced for better results. When hair transplant was introduced back in the 19th century, the hair restoration methods involved shifting scalp flaps were to balding areas. The practice definitely has gone a long way when the transplant of individual hair follicles was started in Japan. Now a newer and less known method is available for those wishing to have that full head of hair, and it is the automated hair transplant.

The conventional hair transplant uses the strip method, but it is more commercially known as the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method. With this approach the surgeon removes a strip of the scalp with the donor hairs at the back portion of the head. The individual hair follicles are carefully extracted using a microscope and then using a punch method it is then transplanted into the balding area.

Although FUT remains to be a successful method in hair restoration, FUE was later introduced. And it was largely for the purpose of answering to FUT limitations which was the resulting scar which can be largely visible especially with short hair.

With a punch technique using a hollowed stainless instrument, individual hair follicles are removed directly from the scalp. FUE proved to be another effective method, but it also poses certain limitations. The process itself increases the risk for damage to the hair follicles once the angle of penetration is not directed properly. Some surgeons even claim that they have a loss of up to 15-20% in every procedure, and this is very bad number considering that the patient only has a meager amount of this precious resource.

That is why this lead a group of experts to develop what is now called the automated hair transplant. The proponents of this technique claim that it is a faster method without causing damage to the hair follicles and best of all, it is scarless.

Various companies have their own versions of this procedure. But it has its basic principle is extracting the hair follicle using a suction technique. Using a stainless instrument similar to that in FUE, it is inserted only up to the superficial dermis to prevent damaging blood vessels making the hair follicle to be a viable donor. Because this is operated by a machine, and sometimes through a robot, the element of human error is eliminated. There will be a uniform depth of punching which ensures that the hair grafts are not destroyed in the process.

The implantation process is done in different ways as well. But it is usually done by spreading the removed grafts on a sterile field using another hand-held device which is also part of the entire instrument. With pre-adjusted pressure the device inserts the hair grafts into the incisions made into the recipient site. This procedure eliminates the chance of damage to the hair follicles because they will no longer use tweezers to handle it.

This hair transplant method can be done through local anesthesia, and it doesn’t include any post-operative pain, significantly reducing scars. Patients can even return to normal activities within a day or two. The end result also promises optimal hair growth.

Since this method is relatively new, it is very important that you do your research well. Ask around and know which doctors have been doing it with very good results.

If you want to stick to the conventional hair transplant technique but with guaranteed quality results, you can trust expert and skilled hands at the Australian Institute for Hair Restoration (AIHR). We have board-certified and experienced surgeons who can give your hair the best care to fully restore that crowning glory. For more information, you can visit our website at www.aihr.com.au.

Dr. Kim of The Australian Institute of Hair Restoration (http://www.aihr.com.au/) practice surgical hair restoration in Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney Australia. Free consultation is availabe to help you explore your options and the desired outcome.

Author Bio: If you want to stick to the conventional hair transplant technique but with guaranteed quality results, you can trust expert and skilled hands at the Australian Institute for Hair Restoration (AIHR). We have board-certified and experienced surgeons who can give your hair the best care to fully restore that crowning glory. For more information, you can visit our website at www.aihr.com.au.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: automated hair transplant,robot hair surgery,hair surgery,hair replacement method

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