What Is The Most Effective Way To Stop Smoking?

So many solutions abound to help smokers drop off cigarettes. They range from nicotine patches, to gums, to pills, to lozenges, you just name it. As a result, people who want to stop smoking are confused about which one is the most effective. This article reveals the most effective way to stop smoking, so, read it to the very end.

The best way to stop smoking is to fully understand giving it up will cost you a price. As the saying goes, there is no prize without a price but when you compare the price to the medical complications that could arise from smoking; you would realize it is worth it.

The most effective way to quit smoking is to quit physically, emotionally and mentally.

Will power is the best way but it’s problematic in the sense that it requires making your soul to understand and want to drop off cigarettes without any reservations.

A pregnant mother decides to quit drugs when the medical checkups reveal her baby was not growing well in her womb. A gambling father goes sober after realizing his brilliant daughter couldn’t pay her student loans. A single mom decides to devote more time at home, and quit her night life, when she notices how much her son needs her.

We just need to find a reason. Our will power will provide the strength to get us through our nicotine addiction. It will not be easy. And those who try to quit end up relapsing unless they are convinced, to their bones, that they want to quit. Maybe not for themselves, but for the sake of a loved one: a son, a mother, wife or even a husband.

If you go through this, suffer the pains of withdrawal, and emerge addiction-free, you will feel different from the person that emerged from the addiction. It would seem like a bad dream, one that you never wish to remember.

The thing about quitting smoking through willpower is that you need no validations or rationalizations. You stop smoking because (insert reason here). And you see that reason as inevitable, as true regardless of what anyone feels about it. Like a mathematical fact, it holds true, regardless how much you rationalize against it or whine about it.

Be prepared for all sorts of discouragement. Friends with whom you smoked before will try to woo you back as well as the media (filled with ads encouraging a life incomplete without a puff). But these will have no effect on you if you know in your bones you want to quit because you have to. Not want to. Knowing that there are compelling reasons outside one\’s selfish circle of reasons helps you stay on course and be a better person.

So, if you want some non-hypocritical reason to stop smoking. There it is. Find a reason. The methods won\’t matter as long as you are convinced you have to quit. You will emerge a better person for this and live a healthy life thereafter. Your family, finances, society and health will be the better for it.

Jane Allen leverages nearly a decade of stop smoking research to help smokers and their families get into the non-smokers\’ league while spending little. She reveals tried and tested stop smoking tips to ensure permanent recovery for tobacco addicts. Visit http://www.2stopsmokingtips.com for her incisive articles and recommendations.

Jane Allen leverages nearly a decade of stop smoking research to help smokers and their families get into the non-smokers\’ league while spending little. She reveals tried and tested stop smoking tips to ensure permanent recovery for tobacco addicts. Visit http://www.2stopsmokingtips.com for her incisive articles and recommendations.

Author Bio: Jane Allen leverages nearly a decade of stop smoking research to help smokers and their families get into the non-smokers\’ league while spending little. She reveals tried and tested stop smoking tips to ensure permanent recovery for tobacco addicts. Visit http://www.2stopsmokingtips.com for her incisive articles and recommendations.

Category: Advice
Keywords: effective,way,stop,smoking,best

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