What to Text a Woman You Like
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #1
1. When you first meet a woman, you should only text her to set up your next meeting.
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #2
2. Only text her two options on when to meet. For instance, you might say you have Tuesday and Thursday free to meet for a drink. Which one would work best for her?
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #3
3. If she says that neither works try to gauge whether she has a sincere conflict or whether she really isn’t interested. If your gut reaction is she isn’t interested and is blowing you off, then it’s time to cut your losses and move on. If it seems that she has a genuine conflict (say she’ll be out of town on a business meeting all week), then give her another shot to meet with you the following week. (Again, give her two options.)
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #4
4. Don’t arrange to text or talk again before the meeting. If she can’t confirm her being there at that time, tell her you will have to meet with her again when she can make a firm commitment to b there.
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #5
5. Once you’ve been on a date or two, you can move into a different type of texting. You might want to remind her briefly and wittily of some inside joke you two shared when you were last together. Don’t text unless you have something interesting to say.
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #6
6. Never text a woman to say you are bored or doing nothing. I don’t care if you’ve been in bed all day, make your life sound exciting or put down the phone.
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #7
7. Make your life sound more exciting than it is if necessary. Act busy and like you have a great life without her. For instance, if you are at a game, you can text her: “At Yankees game! Woot!”
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #8
8. Once you have become intimate with a woman, that is the time you can start to text her more personalized and flirtatious texts to remind her of the times you’ve spent together.
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #9
9. Now is also the time you can text her to build anticipation for when you will next see each other. Remember, the key to texting successfully is to keep it short and sweet. Avoid saying anything even remotely boring. If you can’t think of something interesting to say, then don’t say anything at all. This makes you appear elusive and mysterious and that never hurts.
What To Text A Woman You Like Tip #10
10. Once you are in a serious relationship, something as simple as telling her she is hot or that you love her is all you need to say or do to make her happy.
Bill has been a Pick Up Artist for the last 7 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to find a girlfriend. The original article can be found here: What To Text A Woman You Like.
Bill Preston has been studying personal development and dating advice for the past 7 years and is a guest instructor at the top Pick Up Artist Boot camp in NYC. He loves sharing his experience and expertise with other men looking to improve their lives. Find out more at http://www.puaforums.com
Author Bio: Bill has been a Pick Up Artist for the last 7 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to find a girlfriend. The original article can be found here: What To Text A Woman You Like.
Category: Dating
Keywords: How to Flirt, PUA Forum, How To Text A Girl You Like, How To Talk To Women