Who Makes Angeleno Cigars?
Angelenos Cigars were created to acknowledge the many dedicated cigar aficionados worldwide. Born in 2009, under the expertise of Keith K. Park, this line of cigars merges Dominican tradition with Southern California classiness. From the exquisite packaging to the fine ingredients, the Angelenos Cigar is a superb smoke from the inside out.
Following his successful creation of both the Prometheus and God of Fire cigar lines, Mr. Park did not fail his fans in creating another superb, aromatic line of sticks. Angelenos Cigars were produced in the big, diverse city of Los Angeles.
While the natural ingredients originate from such common cigar producing countries as the Dominican Republic and Ecuador, the city of Angels was the focus for its bravado and sleek appeal. The creator wanted to pay tribute to the many cigar connoisseurs that continue to stay dedicated to their interest in cigars despite the obstacles that the industry has come up against. Various tobacco taxes and smoking bans are simply that, obstacles, to those that are true to these pleasurable luxuries.
Despite their American inspiration, the Angelenos Cigar is made up of a top of the line Ecuadorian wrapper that offers a sleek black skin to the appealing exterior. Both the filler and the binder offer a flawless Dominican Republic touch with the binder being made specifically in the well known Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia.
Handmade by such accomplished torcedors, cigar rollers, using techniques passed on throughout the years this cigar is a superb combination of elements. This rather affordable brand is available in a variety of sizes to meet any smoker’s personal preference.
Whether you choose a Lonsdale, Toro, Gran Toro, Robusto, or Double Robusto it is sure to be a satisfying experience. Following the one year anniversary of Angelenos Cigars, the packaging was spruced up to add to its flawless image. These cigars are now displayed in a sophisticated black matte box, each containing 25 sticks to enjoy.
This line of phenomenal cigars presents any cigar smoking enthusiast with an abundance of flavor from beginning to end with focus on creamy sweetness and a hint of spice. The aroma is equally enticing with scents of warmth and zest.
It offers a number of surprises as the journey continues and a leathery undertone pulls through mid-smoke. As a whole, these cigars provide any experienced cigar aficionado with a smooth and fulfilling draw. Each gauge has its own subtle originality as well.
The Lonsdale has the strongest flavor of the group with a more intense fiery kick to it while the Toro highlights the more subtle ginger notes not always present in the smaller gauge. The Gran Toro provides the user with an even balance of both herbal and fiery spice throughout. Its burn is effortless while the flavors are consistently fascinating.
The more recently introduced Robusto and Double Robusto offer their own individual experience. The Robusto continues to exhibit the same flavor and aroma expected of the brand with a bit more intensity overall.
This size has the ever present cream and sugar flavor while the hints of gristly leather are stronger than in the more petite sizes. Lastly, the Double Robusto takes that intensity to a whole new level.
The strength in the flavors carries the smoker through a flawless ride of pepper and hot spice to a unique, fruity sweetness not as apparent in the other cigars. This cigar is a unique addition to anyone’s humidor.
Angelenos Cigars is a fresh take on cigar tradition. This brand provides the perfect mix of a true cigar mastermind and the amazing city it calls home.
With the wide range of sizes available there is sure to be an ideal fit for any serious cigar connoisseur. This brand will provide a fine smoking experience like no other and is convenient to order through our online cigar shop.
Buy Cigars online at our virtual cigar lounge. We carry Angelenos Cigars & Cigar as well as cigar accessories.
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Author Bio: Buy Cigars online at our virtual cigar lounge. We carry Angelenos Cigars & Cigar as well as cigar accessories.
Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: Angelenos Cigars & Cigar, online cigar store, cigar cutter, fine cigars, cigar accessories