Career Coaching: Leadership, Project Management and Public Speaking
People are endowed with amazing gifts that they are not even aware of most of the time. Unless the proper catalyst comes along, they may never discover their true potential. Life is short and the world is moving at a fast pace. Individuals cannot afford to wait for the right circumstances or the right stimulant to occur. Career coaching is the opportunity to uncover your true capacities and your best abilities.
Career coaching spans over a wide range of components. However, there are three main parts that most people are interested in: leadership coaching, project management coaching, and public speaking classes. These three elements relate to the essential components of a successful career in any field.
The fact is that people associate successful careers with a leadership position. Therefore, having the capacity to lead in an efficient manner is among the most envied and yet desired abilities. Although there is a tendency to consider leadership an inborn quality, the reality is different. There are rarely natural leaders but there are rather leaders whose talents were revealed in propitious circumstances. It is like being at the right moment, at the right time. It is more a matter of chance rather than a matter of knowing how to be leader. On the other hand, leadership coaching takes the guesswork out of your hands and luck out of the equation. You will be able to depend on your newly developed leadership abilities based on the resources you were born with.
Project managers must be leaders and managers. Their careers lead to senior management positions in the end. Project managers are people who learn how to run a city before they get to run the country. As a consequence, given the forecast of a project management career, coaching in this direction is another significant part of career coaching. In most cases, project management training involves leadership coaching just as the responsibilities of a project manager include leading abilities.
Public speaking courses are also in demand and not always as part of career coaching. Sometimes they are part of a personal development plan. Communication skills are the most important abilities that one can be blessed with. There are people who can speak in front of a crowd since they were three years old, without any training. And there are others who’d rather go to the dentist than sit in front of a group of people. And, admit it or not, most people are like that. Public speaking courses open new doors for communication; they build self confidence, and allow people to be noticed at the right time by the right people. Opportunities can pass by you simply because you don’t have the ability to present your great idea in front of other people.
These three elements are part of career coaching. No matter which one you may think you need, public speaking courses, project management coaching, or leadership coaching, remember that they all intermingle and work together to enable you to reach your career goals.
Dennis Kwan is a leadership coaching specialist and member of Stanford Who\’s Who Business Social Network
Dennis Kwan is a leadership coaching specialist and member of Stanford Who\’s Who Business Social Network
Author Bio: Dennis Kwan is a leadership coaching specialist and member of Stanford Who\’s Who Business Social Network
Category: Business
Keywords: leadership coaching,project management training,public speaking classes