Ecommerce SEO Tips and Advice

Producing the right results for any ecommerce shop owner will rely on good SEO. Whether you’ve been running an online shop and have a largely successful business or starting out at the bottom, it’s important to know that getting the right positions in the search engines is vital. There is one particular search engine which currently dominates the majority of searches and you’ve guessed it, it’s Google.

The key to your ecommerce store being successful will largely rely on search engines and having your web site positioned well is an absolute must. The problem is however, it’s unlikely you’ll be marketing a product which other companies do not sell. Even if your product is handmade or bespoke it’s very possible competitors will have a product which rivals the one which you wish to sell.

If you’re selling unique products which are handmade then it’s likely there will be no close match search term where as if you happen to be selling Nikon cameras or motorcycle accessories then it’s likely your visitors will be searching for an exact brand, model or version of the product. This makes selling hand made products more difficult because you will need to focus your attentions on broader keywords which encompass the whole subject rather than placing your efforts with a longer tail exact match keyword.

One of the parts in the jigsaw to search engine success is to never give up. You have no doubt heard the saying that ‘winners never quit and quitters never win’. This couldn’t be closer to the truth when it comes to search engine optimisation. You need to be dedicated to getting the results that you desire and when you can’t see an obvious quick result on the term you’re working on it’s important not to stop making an effort. It’s really very common that anyone performing ‘DIY SEO’ gives up after a short period of time and very little effort. You must remember that results will not be instant and any form of SEO is your long term plan to success.

A very useful piece of information in your armoury of ecommerce seo is to use Google Base, also known as Google Merchant Centre depending on where you look. Both terms basically refer to the same service that Google offers for free and in terms of ecommerce you won’t get a better opportunity to market your products in front of potential buyers for less money because it’s free. In my opinion I’m surprised that Google haven’t charged for this service because I honestly think they could and it has probably one of the quickest effects on your business. Some may argue that this is not a form of SEO and I’d partially agree because it’s not an actual improvement in terms of organic positioning but it should most certainly be in your overall plan.

Lots of ecommerce platforms nowadays also have an inbuilt module to be able to output your whole product catalogue into XML format which Google accept to list your products, this is commonly known as a feed. The only negative I could possibly mention is the way in which they regularly revamp their requirements which means your ecommerce platform might become outdated. Most hosted ecommerce platforms however realise how powerful this aspect of your marketing is and are usually considerate when writing patches to make sure you can continue to use this invaluable platform to advertise.

Roy Dovaston works as an online marketing consultant in ecommerce SEO. Roy is currently working for a company known as Utterly Personal who specialise in personalised gifts and gifts for every special occasion.

Roy Dovaston works as an online marketing consultant in ecommerce SEO. He is currently working for a company known as Utterly Personal who specialise in personalised gifts and gifts for every special occasion.

Author Bio: Roy Dovaston works as an online marketing consultant in ecommerce SEO. Roy is currently working for a company known as Utterly Personal who specialise in personalised gifts and gifts for every special occasion.

Category: Internet
Keywords: ecommerce,seo,gifts,personalised

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