Hair Transplant With Laboratory Grown Hair or Hair Cloning

There are various ways in which hair loss presents itself in individuals affected by it. Usually it recedes up to the area near the crown of the head, or it can start there, while in some cases there is a total loss of hair. If the hair loss victim decides to get a hair transplant, the amount of hair left would always be taken into account. And that is because the remaining hair, which is often at the back of the head, will be used as hair donor.

However the problem arises when hair loss becomes too extensive that a person becomes totally bald. Of course in this case, there will be no hair left to be used as donor. This paved the way for studies on cloning or what is more aptly called as tissue engineering in order to grow hair in a laboratory setting for hair follicle regeneration.

Tissue engineering is also called cell therapy, and that is because instead of manipulating the gene pool, it works on the cellular level. Hair cloning is done by taking a cell sample from an organism, which in this case is the hair. The process would include the isolated cells being grown in the lab in a certain medium to culture them, and at the same time controlling other factors particularly gases. After supposedly growing these hair follicles on a petri dish they are then placed on the patient’s head.

High hopes can be pinned on this because the cells used are the easiest to culture. However this is still an on-going study, and if it does prove to be successful, it will be able to produce thousands of cells enough to give a full coverage. It is also not established whether it can provide safe and effective results in the long run. In some studies that were done, the cultured hairs were from a female donor and transplanted to male recipient.

If this can be pulled off without untoward reactions or rejection, this can prove tissue engineering to be a more viable hair transplant option.

But as early as today there are certain concerns raised on the matter, for instance whether the transplanted hair would have the same characteristics to that of the original hair. Another thing that is also of concern is whether the hair would grow in a natural-looking direction. Failure to do so would make the entire process a lost cause. A successful hair transplant should grow in a naturally acute angle in relation to the skin.

There is also that worry over these laboratory grown hair grafts to cause tumors once they are placed into the recipient’s body. Although other tissue regeneration process for other body parts does not show these results, researchers are still on the lookout for this occurrence. And this is important before FDA approval can be granted.

Some clinics are also offering autologous implants, which mean that the grown hair follicles are the patient’s own. There are claims that these are safer because it does not require any plant or animal derivatives.

Although hair transplant with laboratory grown hair grafts proved to be a promising solution, there are still studies and certain measures that needs to be done to ensure that there it will be a safe and efficient remedy for hair loss.

Going back to presently and scientifically proven hair transplant procedure to stop hair loss, one of the best names that you can trust is the Australian Institute for Hair Restoration (AIHR). Headed by Dr. Ahnsup Kim, one of the renowned hair surgeons in Australia, he has produced successful hair transplant results in Australia and abroad.

Dr. Ahnsup Kim of The Australian Institute of Hair Restoration ( practice surgical hair restoration in Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney Australia. Free consultation is availabe to help you explore your options and the desired outcome.

Author Bio: Going back to presently and scientifically proven hair transplant procedure to stop hair loss, one of the best names that you can trust is the Australian Institute for Hair Restoration (AIHR). Headed by Dr. Ahnsup Kim, one of the renowned hair surgeons in Australia, he has produced successful hair transplant results in Australia and abroad.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hair cloning,laboratory grown hair,hair transplant technique,hair graft,hair surgeon

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