Having Sleepless Nights? Cure the Sleep Apnea
Are you having sleepless nights? Troubled with your snoring? Is your wife troubled with your snoring? Snoring is one of the most common things that men across the world indulge in during their sleep. Snoring, scientifically speaking is not a habit, but a disorder. Snoring is the process, by which the body takes in a considerable amount of air when it feels that it is not having enough oxygen supply. It occurs during sleep, when a person chokes out his wind pipe, or if some obstruction is present in the path of the air. This is called as sleep apnea.
There are mainly two reasons for sleep apnea; the muscles associated with tongue tend to block the passage of air from the nose to the wind pipe, or else the brain just fails to send the signals required for the intake of air. The muscles of the tongue are always in alignment with the wind pipe, such that they keep a relative distance; but changes in our physical posture can lead to further thrusting of the muscles towards the windpipe, altogether blocking the inflow of air. This is where the brain kicks in, and initiates a sudden surge in respiration by intake of huge quantity of air. This is a serious ailment, and requires cure.
Sleep apnea can be cured, and requires only a small treatment. But if it is neglected, it can lead to much more complications. Sleep Apnea causes serious diseases like high blood pressure levels, sleeplessness, breathing ailments, stroke, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, depression, cardiac arrest, etc. Doctors around the globe suggest treatment for apnea as people tend to either neglect it or think that it is something to be ashamed of.
There are many devices that help in curing sleep apnea, but they cannot be self prescribed. Asthma patients use CPAP breathing devices for curing breathing difficulties; similar devices are used in the case of apnea patients as well. They enhance the breath rate when you feel breathless; they help in removing any kind of blockages present in the wind pipe also. The cure is so simple that there are no risks or side effects.
Sleep apnea is mostly related to the way you sleep. If you sleep on your backs, then, you can get Apnea as the head posture on the pillow results in blockage of the wind pipe, so it is advisable to use a good sturdy pillow, and not the soft pillows. It is also found that overweight people tend to get apnea at a very young age, and it increases as they grow up. This is due to the fact that an overweight body exerts huge amount of pressure onto the windpipe, and lungs deprived of the requisite quantity of air.
The oral contraptions for enhancing the breath rate cannot be termed as the cure to apnea; they merely help you to get away with your disease, and prolong its effects. The cure is always, surgically removing the portion of the tongue that acts as a barrier. The surgery helps the person in gaining his breath rate 2-3 notches higher. It allows space for more air to flow in and mix with blood. This not only helps respiration, but also increases metabolism and energy, and eliminates all the side effects of apnea.
Though, there is a risk element involved in the surgery, but almost all the doctors suggest it. They also advice oral muscle exercises that strengthen the part of the muscles, that tend to collapse and cause blocks. It is a natural method; hence, it takes time to show results. Sleep apnea is not something to be ashamed of, cure it and stay safe.
Sleep Apnea Encino, A dentist is especially trained in a specific sub field related to dentistry. You have to choose which type of dentist to visit according to the problem you have. Mostly your own dentist will diagnose your case and refer you to someone else who is skilled and specialized in the area of treatment that you require. Click here for Dentist Encino.
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Author Bio: Sleep Apnea Encino, A dentist is especially trained in a specific sub field related to dentistry. You have to choose which type of dentist to visit according to the problem you have. Mostly your own dentist will diagnose your case and refer you to someone else who is skilled and specialized in the area of treatment that you require. Click here for Dentist Encino.
Category: Travel
Keywords: Los Angeles Sleep Apnea, Sleep Apnea Encino, Los Angeles Dentist, Dentist Encino