How To Determine Winning Scratch Offs

If you are given a chance for a wish to come true, what will be your wish? Most of the people would wish to win the jackpot in the lottery. The reason for this is because it is easy money. Whether it is lottery or any game of chance, everyone wants to win.

Winning scratch offs may be the greatest thing that will ever happen in your lifetime, but do you know that there are ways to determine the winning ticket in scratch off lottery? That is the topic that will discussed in this article.

First and foremost, you cannot determine the winning ticket by judging according to your favorite color. This is a common practice among scratch off buyers, they tend to favor the tickets that have their favorite color. Although it works for other people, there is no concrete basis on this technique. But because scratch offs are considered as a game of chance where luck plays a major role in winning and losing, choosing your favorite color can sometimes be effective but oftentimes not.

The price of the ticket is one of the determining factors in choosing the winning ticket. The general rule is that higher valued scratch off ticket has also higher chances of winning, but be careful with this because it is sometimes a strategy of the seller so that you will opt to buy the more expensive tickets. Always remember that this factor is not fool-proof. Always consider buying more tickets to increase your chance of winning. Five $1 tickets are more likely to win compared to only one $5 ticket, but of course the prizes vary according to the price of the tickets. This makes winning scratch offs very exciting and expensive at the same time.

One very effective way to determine the winning ticket is by gut feel or intuition. Women are more attuned to this feeling, and that maybe the reason why there is a woman who won the lottery four times. This is a very rare incident and unprecedented in the world of lottery. But as with luck, gut feeling and intuition are not concrete indicators on how to determine the winning scratch off ticket.

Statistical analyses have the potential in determining the winning lottery scratch off ticket. This maybe the case with the woman mentioned above that have won the lottery 4 times. Guess what the work of that woman is, she is a Stanford statistician. This can mean that she have calculated the right combination to win the lottery.

The last way to determine the winning scratch offs is to cheat. This is illegal in all states and countries so it must not be done in any way. Cheating can be in form of scanners that sees through the scratch off card. But always remember that victory is sweet if you achieved it in fair means.

So there you have it, the ways to determine the winning scratch offs. Remember that the intention of this article is to inform you on different ways to know the winning ticket and not to tell you to do illegal activities. You are always responsible for your own actions.

Want to win big scratch offs in your area? Get our FREE Scratch Off Ticket Winner eCourse packed with free secrets, tips, and methods on how to win scratch off tickets at

Want to win big scratch offs in your area? Get our FREE Scratch Off Ticket Winner eCourse packed with free secrets, tips, and methods on how to win scratch off tickets at

Author Bio: Want to win big scratch offs in your area? Get our FREE Scratch Off Ticket Winner eCourse packed with free secrets, tips, and methods on how to win scratch off tickets at

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: winning scratch,winning scratch offs,winning ticket,scratch offs

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